Females: Do you groom your pubic hair?

In regard to the bet referenced in the OP, what constitutes winning? Right now the scores are

Never - 38
Occasionally - 36
Groom regularly - 37
Shave regularly - 23

A few days ago Pullet seemed to think she was winning the bet. By my accounting, the women who groom at least some of the time is about 2.5 times the number who don’t, and the number who groom weekly is about 1.5 times the number who never do.

I also note that the bet is specifically about women under 40 but the question isn’t. The reason it’s part of the bet is that Pullet’s husband believes (as I do) that the percentage of older women who groom regularly is probably lower than the percentage of younger women who do. ZenBeam’s numbers bear this out to some extent. So it sort of seems like Pullet stacked the deck in her own favor and still way behind in the polling.

Once every two weeks - use a hair buzzer all over. It’s too hot and sweaty. Plus I swim regularly, so it helps there to. In my 20’s. Didn’t vote, as there wasn’t really an option for me to vote for.

Here here!

I trim, I groom, I shave, I make sure it doesn’t peek outside of my bathing suit. (Veet or Nair has a special product just for the bikini area and I think I’ll try it this summer) But I’ll be damned if I’m going to try waxing. If only because all I can think of is how much it hurts to pull off a bandaid. Now, if there were a safe kind of depilatory to use, I would. But the idea of pulling all my pubes out at the roots makes me want to scream in terror.
(I do, however, have both of my ears pierced, along with my nose. And I’d like to get a tattoo – hopefully this summer. Yeah, I know. But I’m not getting said tattoo on my girly bits)

So, I’m nice and neat, but not bare.

Well, my response isn’t an option in your poll…

I groom regularly, but not once a week. I don’t have time to fuss with it that often, so I wax and only have to maintain once every couple months.

I keep it neat, but do not go completely bald down there – “completely bald” reminds me of chemo and other vaguely nauseating things, and in general I prefer to avoid feeling queasy.

And I do this whether or not anyone besides me will see it.

I was going to call it when the poll lost interest on the board. I’m genuinely surprised that it has stuck around this long.

By the way I see it though, I’m still in the lead

54.61% of women never to sometimes fuss with their pubic hair
45.36% of women frequently fuss with their hair to the point of keeping it off all together.

So, a majority of women sport a significant bush, a minority of women are putting green or less. It’s a slim lead, I grant you.
The Husband is looking at it the same way you do, Shave vs any amount of hair at all. And so, the debate continues.

Also, I make no apologies for the complete lack of statistical strength either in the study design or in the interpretation of the data. It’s an internet poll, ferchrissake :smiley:

Not much to offer, my SO trims reasonably often.

We both found this ad funny though: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvFSgXpyhoM

I wax, about once a month. (I didn’t vote - I didn’t see an option that fit.) I used to go to a salon and have it done, but now I do it myself. Really, it’s not bad, and I like the somewhat lower maintenance over shaving.

I wax pretty bare, but leave a little. That little gets trimmed with an electric trimmer thingie.

Commercials like that are classic examples of why the UK is so awesome.

I think it depends on the type of hair you have, and/or how much… I’ve known people who have unibrows if they don’t pluck their eyebrows. While I personally have never had that problem. I imagine it’s similar with pubic hair. Some probably have thicker/darker hair than others, and some probably need grooming more than others.

Personally, I will groom on a fairly regular basis, though probably monthly rather than weekly. Usually I just trim, and will maybe shave a handful of times a year. Mostly this is done for cleanliness over who I’m sleeping/not sleeping with. However, I will alter my grooming habits if the person I’m sleeping with has a preference.

Being more naturally hairy than most, I prefer to shave that area regularly, leaving a large trimmed triangular patch so as not to have any hair peek out of my underwear. I’ve been a little more, shall we say, thorough in my shaving recently, and find it makes me feel cleaner and more comfortable. I don’t have a partner right now, so I don’t know how anyone but myself feels about this. Still not ready to go completely hairless, though - I’d feel kind of creepy looking down and seeing no hair. If other people want to remove all hair or go au naturel, that’s their business.

I gotta ask the bare naked ladies, what about the appearance of camel toes when wearing something thin and slinky like a bathing suit? Is it more likely to show up if you’re bare?

TMI but I have a lush shampoo bar just for washing the pubes, add a trim here and there and that’s it.

Not unless your bathing suit is too tight (it which case it would look that way regardless) or you intentionally shove the fabric up your cooch.

I guess there is a possibility the answer varies by personal labial configuration.

I’m a 40 YO man and I trim the top zone and shave the fellas. While I get that the bare look may look strange to a woman at first, there is no quicker turnoff for me than an unkempt pubic zone on a woman. If the top isn’t at least trimmed and the actual vulva trimmed short or preferably shaved, it’s a deal breaker.

Better or worse in warm weather? What about cold?

I buzz on the shortest setting, so I’m not 100% bare, more like 90%. No camel-toe to speak of.

Another bonus is reduced sweating. Same principal as under the arms, just less severe. But nobody wants swamp crotch in the summer.

See, I get the opposite. The hair stands the fabric away from the skin, allowing air flow.

I’m curious how this is conveyed to a potential partner. Is it part of the standard predate introduction - i live here, work there, and oh btw i prefer my sushi ungarnished? Or could it happen after you’ve bared your balls only to witness a hairy crotch at which point you break the deal and shout “no sex for you!”?

I can’t speak for FallenAngel, but the first time I get intimate with someone, I work it in. With my current boyfriend, I told him what to expect and asked if he had a problem with it. He didn’t, things continued. I have dated someone who had a huge problem with it, and it was essentially like you said - we were in bed, he said he found it extremely unattractive, unhygienic, and gross. Nothing quite kills the mood like being told you’re gross, so no sex.

I go natural and don’t even trim (and I am in my mid-20s). I get everyone has their own preferences of what they find sexually attractive, so just like every other sexual preference, these things have to be found out somehow, and it’s better to get it out there sooner rather than later.

Amen. I like women who look postpubescent, thank you very much.

I’m surprised no one has yet offered this passage: