Filling your car with gas while it's still running - Pet peeve

Yes, sir! Thank you for pointing out its illegal status, sir! I could be subjecting myself to a misdemeanor or a fine, and all because of my feelings of entitlement and self-importance blinded me of this egregious disregard for the law.

Do you get this uppity everytime you see someone speeding, rolling through a stop, jaywalking or gasp loitering?

I do it all the time… hahahaha

Those loiterers are really asking for it…:mad:

Precious snowflakes, all of 'em!

snort Did you just call him uppity? I mean, really? I haven’t heard anyone be called that in real life, ever.

Other than that, I detect some sarcasm in your post. :smiley:

(Although I must say, I do shut my engine off.)

Wow, must suck to be a gas attendant there, with all the cars belching exhaust into your face while you pump.

I’ve never seen anyone leave their engine running while pumping fuel here in the UK. We also don’t have those clip things that let you leave the pump running - you have to squeeze the handle for the duration.

Why yes, yes I did. Thank god this isn’t RL.

And yes, the sarcasm is just dripping off that post. :wink:

I think I said this earlier, but I am in NJ and I always turn off the engine; this is yet another reason why. I don’t think it’s common at all here to leave the engine running during refueling.

emphasis mine

Speak for yourself. I for one welcome anarchy. But then again I live in Oregon. Since this thread started I’ve been watching when at the pumps and I have not seen anyone leave their car running. ISTR doing it once when I lived down in CA because the car I was driving was unlikely to start if I turned it off.

My biggest problem is remembering that I can’t pump my own gas. I have lived here about a year but I don’t drive much. I usually get out of the car and start to go for the nozzle before one of the attendants stops me. My car still has WA plates so I just feign ignorance.

I like the dope for threads like that. All cars around here (France) are made such that it is impossible to refuel while letting the engine running; the fuel cap opens with the ignition key. I’m not a car person and wouldn’t have guessed there were models of cars where it’s not like that.

In France, you have one and only one ignition key? You don’t have a spare?

Why would someone carry their spare key around?

I do have a couple spares but they stay at home (like my spare house keys).
I honestly don’t know if there is/what is the custom about that around here.

It has never even crossed my mind to leave the car running while I get gas. I guess I could see doing it if I was having car trouble or in some other weird circumstance. Seems kind of lazy to do it on a regular basis and for no good reason.

Car running? Yawn. It happens around here, but unless it is -20 it is pretty rare. But those self important entitled assholes that just can’t put their cell phone down for 2 seconds? They seem to be a dime a dozen.

I don’t really pay attention to whether someone else’s car is running while fueling. Mine isn’t. My peeve is people who get back in the car while its still fueling. My reasoning is that things can go awry, and that can mean a lot of gas spewing all over the damn place. Suck it up and stay there to supervise.

What good is a spare if you don’t have it when you need it?

I used to carry a ( not the) spare key in my wallet. Keys got locked in the car one too many times.

I keep a spare in the car. If I’m ever locked out and far from home, I could break a window or jimmy a door open.

On long road trips with the wife and kids, I use the spare in the ignition and keep my key in my pocket. Gas stops, bathroom stops, etc, and people are coming and going. Last one to leave the car takes the key and locks up, and I always have mine with me. Or, my oldest son keeps the spare with him. That way there’s always two keys with the group.

I also drilled a hole through another spare key and screwed the license plate bolt through it and taped it to the back of the license plate. If ever locked out, it’s easy to find someone with a Phillips screwdriver and get that spare.

Just some strategies here. I’ve never been locked out or otherwise locked a key in the car.

Damn’ed if I’m readin through a Pit thread just to make a point:

Until the 1940’s (o thereabouts), the gas tank was directly in front of the windshield, and hoods were hinged in the center. In a 1931 Ford, the instrument cluster was attached to the gas tank, and the “shotgun” position had a copper gas line running through the foot well.
Gas spilled when fueling those cars would run through the hood hinge, directly onto the engine and/or exhaust manifold.

In those days, turning off the engine was at least a start - the manifold would still retain a dangerous heat level.

Once the fuel tank moved to the rear and required a pump to get it to the engine compartment, the need was obviated. The law remained.

And: early autos were notorious for leaking fuel. Moving the garage into the house exposed the risk of gas vapors seeping into the living area and being ignited by the furnace or heater.
Now you know why you have that silly step up from the garage into the kitchen - it keeps the car’s gas vapors out of the living quarters, forcing them out the vehicle door or other opening.