Finding Nemo turning kids on to lesbianism

Could you describe what one of those “kinds of situations” is like Mr. Mudd? I don’t know what you mean.

The problem I have with the story is that they think Disney casted a lesbian on purpose just to piss off the religious right. The POV in the article not-so-subtly implies that everything that is done to piss off the religious right was intentionally done to do so, which is BS.

Um, except for the part immediately after:

That and the fact that the site linked is a Christian site leads me to believe that this is for real. And that he’s saying that Disney should have found a non-homosexual for a speaking part in an animated film. Or rather, that because the film is a family film, it is preferred to have no homosexuals in the cast.

I think Larry’s point was in the following:

“Clearly, the Pixar/Disney folks just assume that Ellen is a perfect casting choice, and only those in the hate-mongering religious right would have any issues with the selection.”

The grain of truth there is that apparently only those hate-mongering religious right folks seem to have any issues with Ellen’s casting.

I’d characterize that as [sarcasm] rather than [jest] as such.

Taxguy and jeevmon, you misunderstand me. When the author of the article says that “Ellen is a perfect casting choice, and only those in the hate-mongering religious right would have any issues with the selection”, he is being sarcastic. Of course, as is plain to anyone whose mental faculties are not occluded by irrational prejudices, that sentence is the simple, unadorned truth. Obviously, he does not intend it to be taken at face value.

Hence, although he intends to elicit a chuckle with his ‘clever’ phraseology, he has inadvertantly uttered a truism. True words spoken in jest.

Sorry, I that was clear.


Never mind.

Please insert this:


where it seems appropriate above.

That’s what I get for ‘previewing’ and not actually reading my post.

I think we may well go to that movie just to piss that guy off. Maybe bring one of B’s nieces, too. Can’t start the conversion process too early, now…

Because of course, you can tell someone is gay by just their voice, you know.


I’m waiting for a couple of weeks for the crowd to thin out before we go. My next movie is Bruce Almighty. We just saw X-Men 2 last week.


Hey, how many single men worked on this film? Because as I was angrily told by a -former- friend, single men know nothing about children. Thus, one can conclude that single men should not be allowed to work on family films!


Cool, I can dig it, Larry. I’ve just never heard that saying before (maybe it’s a Canadian thang).

Re: Finding Nemo turning kids on to lesbianism

Hey! Why do people doubt that simply watching a cartoon character voiced by a lesbian comedian or a TV show will with homosexual characters will cause them to go homosexual? After all, Spiderman makes you gay.

Wow, Finding Nemo’s pissin’ off the radical Christian right? I’m definitely gonna see it this weekend! :smiley:

(Of course, I was planning to anyway, but pissing off the rCr is just a bonus :wink: )

I just wanted to make it clear that when I said (or rather meant to say) “Sorry, I thought that was clear,” I wasn’t being sarcastic. Reviewing, I realize that it could easily be taken that way.

It’s obvious to me that since two intelligent people took it to mean that I thought the article was a joke of some sort, further that I thought that it had some truth to it, I wasn’t being clear at all. Far from it!

Carry on.

Oh, while I’m here–

Sarcasm is a subset of jest, although it’s arguably the lowest form, as the saying goes.

And allow me to add my voice to the chorus of those looking around for a kid to take to see this movie now. And I usually harbour a grudge against Disney. Ironically, because of the way they tend to homogenize every classic story they get their grubby mitts on. :smiley:

My God! Don’t you know about Ian McKellan? You’re playing with fire, missy, playing with fire!


And don’t forget Alan Cumming, also one of the Lavender Lads (although he’s blue in the movie–those cunning homosexuals!)

Gee, and right-wing Christians wonder why everyone else think they’re small-minded bigots.

For more wacky fundie film-bashing fun, try:

About the only thing considered acceptable is Swiss Family Robinson. It has all sorts of wondrous moans and gripes about different films, from the unBiblical Chinese belief system in Mulan, the Gospel singers in Hercules, and the “lust” portrayed in the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

The site also mentions:

My god. That site has a design that brings tears to my eyes.

It’s nice to remember that not all Christians, (and not even all right-wing Christians,) are stamped from the same mould.

Would that they were all as grounded as Dr. Ted Baehr, who writes an entertainment column for Christian News Today.

What he has to say about Finding Nemo:

In another article, he writes:

It sure would be nice if real Christians were as prominent and vociferous as the Fred Phelps flavour of hypocrite & Pharisee.

I find it strangely appropriate that the site linked to in the OP is apparently a division of the “Salem Communications Corporation.”

A subsidiary of “Malleus Malleficarium, Inc.,” no doubt.

Not only Sir Ian and Alan, X2’s director Bryan Singer is also gay.

I’m going to see Finding Nemo tomorrow with my younger brother. He has a friend who interned at Pixar Studios and did some work on the film, so in addition to the great animation, we want to see if he got any credit.