Fix Apu Storyline

so I assume it would surprise you when I tell you that I don’t think an all-black, all-asian or all-mexican writing team would be a problem either?




You can indeed and, you may not be aware of this but actions taken with the best of intentions can turn out to be misguided and counterproductive. It is, after all, a very simple thing to focus on Apu. You stand a very good chance of kicking up a fuss about it and it is a very simple simple narrative to create. The fact that the criticism is ill-founded is allowed to slip by. And here’s another thing that’ll blow your mind, Hari is not necessarily right on this.

I thought it was simplistic and narrow minded. I’ve listened to and enjoyed Hari on numerous occasions but on this subject I think he is wrong. I don’t think the problem with Apu is with how he is written, drawn or voiced. I don’t think there is a problem at all.