Florida has more than 50 auto tag styles

I suppose it depends on the state. IIRC, a clip on NPR years ago told of people in New Hampshire (or whichever state with the “Live Free or Die” motto) arrested for covering up the “Or Die” (evidently, they were Quakers or some sort of pacifists). Eventually the arrests were thrown out of court on the grounds of denial of ‘freedom of speech’.

In another anecdote I heard, a woman from PA had covered up part of her license plate (she had the “Conserve Wildlife” plate with a Saw-whet Owl). She was visiting friends in Washington state, deep in the heart of logging country during the Spotted Owl debates [understatement], and did not want her car damaged. She was stopped by a police officer for having her plate covered, but was let go upon explanation.

I don’t know what the website would be, but NJ has a lot of specialized plates too. The one I see a lot is the “save our shore” or something to that effect. … one of my teachers used to have a square dancing plate.

The railroad plate is quite visible (because of complaints about previous ones)…I think you’re referring to the Flagship Niagara plate which was IMPOSSIBLE to see (and since the Niagara’s home port is up here in Erie and the support mostly came up here, everyone and their brother had one!!!)…although I haven’t seen any recently so they must have been taken out of circulation.

I remember seeing several designs on the blue PA plates (PSU/Pitt grad, fire fighter), but don’t remember seeing any on the new blue/yellow/white ones yet.

You’re right RugbyMan– I’m thinking of the one with the ship. IIRC a lot of the white text ends up against a light tan background color. What the heck were they thinking? Maybe someone will come up with a green-on-camouflage plate next year.

I’ve started to see a lot of DC “Taxation Without Representation” license plates around here lately.

That’s how it looks…well, I imagine it looks great on a canvas or that giant placard at the unveiling (and it was a nice looking plate!)…but well…sometimes things just don’t work as well in theory as they do in practice!!). I did see a railroad license plate on the way home (behind an illegal radar deflector/“license plate cover”, I might add) and I could read it just fine!!!