Folded Pizza ?

never, never, never fold pizza…I’d sooner use a knife and fork

The fold should always be down the “radius”, so a long slice looks like a paper airplane.
Any other fold is simply wrong.
Of course, I learned to eat pizza when they still used forks, so I may be wrong.

Ode to Pizza
by yours truly, a couple of years ago
O Pizza, Thou noblest of vegetables,
Who dares to walk where others fear to tread!

Yea, by the strength of Thy Crust, thou standest!
And by the strength of Thy Sauce, thou movest!
And by the strength of Thy Cheese, thou winnest!
I am unworthy to gaze upon Thy Pepperonies.

The circle of Thy Shape shall be my shield,
And the points of Thine Slices shall be my swords,
Though I may walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
By Thy Grace,
I shall not want for any of the four basic food groups.

Though Thy Fats and Oils give me a spare tire,
Not to mention the occasional bout of the runs,
And the nitrites of Thy Pepperonies can’t be doing me much good –
But verily, Thy hearty Flavor, Thy sensuous Texture,
The stringy threads of Thy hot Cheese as I take a bite,
The thrill as Thy munched-up pieces travel down my throat
To my eagerly awaiting stomach!
I would not trade Thee for all the tea in China.
(The fact that I don’t like tea notwithstanding.)

Pizza, Thou brave warrior, Thou dearest friend,
Thou most intimate of lovers;
(Hey! I meant that in a spiritual way!
Getteth thy mind out of the gutter!)
Thou who wert always there when all else had abandoned me,
Thou shalt never vanish from the Earth.

LMAO! That is hilarious! but “O Pizza, Thou noblest of vegetables,”???

A deep bow and funds to pick up the next round to Tracer! ::applauds madly::

Mind if I copy that off the for the staff room? We devoutly believe in the healing properties of good pizza delivered on bad days.

Okay, Chicago pizza is “deep dish”; it’s a damned casserole! Very tasty but not pizza in the mundane sense.

I’m sorry; folding pizza is Just Wrong. So is eating it with a fork. Neat, yes; tidy, sometimes, but still just Wrong. A discreet bend to start, to keep the good stuff from flopping off the sides is one thing. But folding it in two removes all the heady fumes of melted cheese, pepper flakes, good sauce etc. from sight and nose.

It’s like kissing through a plastic bag: possible, but why would you want to?

Happily hedonistic,

All of the posters prefering folded pizza are most welcome as my guests at the Adams reunion in Las Vegas in September as we proceed en masse to the New York, New York Hotel/Casino to enjoy properly prepared and folded pizzas.
You Chicago thick unfoldable pizza fans are SOL. But you can watch. As for the double slice pizza sandwich people, uhh, I’m not sure yet.

I must be weird or something. I usually eat pizza with a knife and fork. Weird eh? And dont try folding pizza in Italy, in fact, dont try lifting it at all.