Foods you just don't understand.

Grapefruit. It just tastes unbelievably acidic to me–almost like a vurp, though marginally less unpleasant. And yet I know that people honestly love it. I just don’t understand.

Then again, I like white vinegar on my fries, and, since I’m in the US, that gets me a few off looks.

This +1 billion. I have even tried crab and lobster just to see what the fuss was about and I found them very meh for how expenisve it was.

Seriously I want to go up and punch the first guy who looked at this sea cockroach:

and thought, “Mmmm that looks yummy. I think I’ll get me some of that.”

Hilarious. I suppose I’m off to buy a few more so I can rub shoulders with this esteemed crowd.

I didn’t think I had an answer to this question and then I saw this. Yes, okra is gross, but chicken wings plumb bewilder me.

Fair enough; just go with fresh, then. I was just answering the OP.

I like crab, but the one time I had lobster, I couldn’t understand it. I could maybe understand not hating it like I did, but thinking it’s so great that it’s worth all that money.

Then again, the crab I’ve had is either the breaded in shells or the stuff on salad bars. It might be fake.

I third Lobster as being nasty (and to which I am allergic anyway). I remember a news story of someone breaking open a lobster and finding what looked like a very large, black hair ball (I forget what it turned out to be). Bleh!

I also don’t get chicken wings. Bleh again. There is way too much chance of biting down onto something yucky.

You don’t really eat them for the meat so much. It’s all about the crispy skin/delicious sauce and all those wings will have a higher ratio of that by weight than if you just used a regular piece of chicken.

If you’re not a fan of crispy skin/sauce then yeah, I can see why it wouldn’t be worth the effort.

Beef Jerky. The stuff is 16+ dollars per pound. I could get a rib eye for that instead of dried up horse colon.

I agree with okra, liver, and spicy foods - food shouldn’t hurt to eat.

I kinda like creamed corn. I don’t go out of my way for it, but I’ll eat it.

Texture can be a factor.

I have a psychological hangup about mushrooms - they’re fungus. Eww.

I like my veggies mushy. Carrots raw are great, carrots soft are great, carrots that are halfway in between are horrible.

I don’t like licorice, but can understand that someone might enjoy that flavor.

Black olives. I had a sandwich made, eating along, suddenly one bite had this horrible, tingly chemical taste. I spit it out and wonder what toxic spill occurred in the middle of my sandwich and whether I should call 911, so I poke in my sandwich and see a stray bit of black olive had snuck in there. Gah! How can you eat that? (The rest of my sandwich was fine, after I removed the offending junk and rinsed my mouth good.)

Yeah, and what about pork?! Pork comes from an animal that lives in a pigsty!

I love okra if it’s cooked right or pickled.

There’s certainly nothing wrong with fried okra either.

That’s kinda the definition of “cooked right.” :smiley:

Especially, like, canned potatoes. WTF?

I don’t know why anyone would ruin a perfectly good sprout with the sap that springs from the devil’s ass, that resinous and musty tree blood, leaf sugar from a fairy tree… Bleeehh, it’s Canadian Gnome Cumm snorked from a Leprechaun’s ass.

I don’t know, I recently did the roasted sprout thing following Ina Garten’s recipe and I really would have preferred them steamed and “green” tasting over the somewhat acrid and sweeter roasted version. But then I love raw cruciferous vegetables- one of my favorite treats is a Cabbage core and I love broccoli raw and cooked.

I wonder if starving or going hungry for a while, would throw all of our luxurious prejudices and predelictions and learned responses to food out the window?

I thought that whole “tree blood” thing was a giant whoosh … until I got to the part where you put “favorite treat” and “cabbage core” in the same sentence and figured, okay, okay, dude’s serious with the maple syrup hate, but damn I totally thought you were kidding!

It’s amazing to me how many foods listed here are either also on my personal “Bleh!” list, or I read the post and went “Awww… I like that stuff!” :frowning: Mushrooms? Nasty! Crustaceans? Who eats cockroaches?! Okra? Deep-fried nuggets of deliciousness!

What the hell do you brush your teeth with??

All of the above, with the added comment: on what insane planet does anyone think that adding something completely vile like rum or whiskey to a perfectly sweet and delicious cake is a good thing?

i’m not down with the whole sauce action, but I love fried or roasted wings. They are like the mini-Reeses peanut butter cup of poultry enjoyment: exactly the right ratio of crispy delicious skin to succulant,tender white (non-gamy) meat. (Mini-reeses are exactly the right ratio of peanut butter to chocolate)

For me, it’s garlic. I just don’t get it. My impression of garlic is that is was never meant to be eaten, but somewhere along the line people started eating it. Nothing about the smell or taste of it appeals to me. Definitely a good food to ward off vampires.