For All of the Iron Man Fans...


He’s the same guy as Giant Man, right? If so, then yes.

No one seemed to have a problem with Harvey Dent going from black to white.

Except for a fact that they were both badly-acted and badly-written in two bad movies. :slight_smile:

For that matter, I don’t think anyone complained about a black Catwoman. No, not that one… Eartha Kitt.

That was before the Internet, though! If they had message boards in 1967 or whenever, you’d probably hear a fanboy din that dwarfed any of the Halle Berry/Catwoman or Michael Clarke Duncan/Kingpin complaints.

Who does Iron Man fight, anyway?


Johnny Walker.

The DTs.

Wikipedia helpfully offers a list of noteworthy Iron Man enemies, which may be loosely categorized into “Russians,” “Chinese,” “rival corporations,” and “miscellaneous.” However, most of the above also fall into the category of “no one you’ve ever heard of.” The only two really memorable ones are M.O.D.O.K.* (because when you contemplate the ultimate killing machine, you immediately think “Of course! A giant levitating cyborg fetus!”-- at least, if you’re Jack Kirby) and Fin Fang Foom (because when you contemplate the ultimate symbol of Chinese nationalistic aggression, you immediately think “Of course! A giant dragon!” --at least, if you’re Jack Kirby. …Well okay, you don’t have to be Jack Kirby to come up with that one).

Rumor has it that neither M.O.D.O.K nor Fin Fang Foom will be appearing in the movie. Alas.

*Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing

I’ve always wondered why Iron Man wasn’t seen fighting Dr. Doom on a more regular basis.

Rich head of a multinational corporation that is actively envolved in Arms research, who fights crime and international threats in a robotic suit of armor.

Belligerent, Machiavellian despot of a second-world nation with expansionist aims who leads his armies in a robotic suit of armor.

…maybe it’s just me, but they always seemed like a better match-up than Iron Man vs. the Mandarin (who’s power is magic based), or Fantastic Four vs. Doom (but I’m biased, because I like Doom, and loathe the FF).

PS. I just want to go on record supporting Love Rhombus in saying the Rocketeer does rule. :smiley:

Gawrsh! Thanks! :smiley:

Doom’s suit isn’t robotic, is it? At least not in the comic books. Doom’s a sorcerer there, and the suit is more for protection with a couple of mechanical gimmicks IIRC.

Er… had a weird problem with the board this afternoon. Gonna re-write the post and hope it goes through this time.

Huh, you’re right. Doom does have powered armor, but I’d completely forgotten he used magic too. I don’t know why, but I’ve always thought of him as being more the mad-scientist with doom machine type than a sorceror.

Then again, as I said earlier, I didn’t regularly follow the titles he’d show up in often. I mostly followed the various X-series and stuff like Ghost Rider, Morbius, and Werewolf-by-Night. I’d go through off-and-on phases of fanatically following Spiderman and Punisher, as well.