For the Love of God, Ben!

Man, that’s harsh.

Yeah, the Lions need to rebuild their O-line, not their QB’s face.

This is just karma for all the calls the Steelers were gifted in the Superbowl.

Ain’t that the truth. This story made me think of other athletes who’ve had their careers interrupted, or ended, by motorcycle accidents.

Ron Gant of the Atlanta Braves:

Jason Williams of the Chicago Bulls, former point guard for Duke:

Don’t forget Kellen Winslow, who had his accident just over a year ago and missed all of last season as a result.

Not sure what his current status is.

In Ben’s defense, albeit only slightly, there is a small arguement to be made in why he might have made that decision. Wearing a helmet involves a bit of a trade-off… you’re possibly less likely to get in an accident because you can hear significantly better without one but, as we’ve just seen, if you do get in an accident then the results are probably going to be disasterously worse.

Even had he just worn the half topper variety that leaves ears open, in Ben’s case he’d probably still have the oral and sinus injuries. Can’t rightly judge wrt the laceration.

While I chose to wear one and would always counsel in that direction, I’m not going to write off the decision to do otherwise as 100% stupid.

Overwhelmingly, but not completely.

When Terry Bradshaw tells you you’re acting stupid, you might want to listen-ol’ Terry knows stupid.

From what I gather, helmets used to be manditory here in PA-that twat from KDKA, John Cigna, used to bitch and moan about the helmet laws until HE wrecked his motorcycle, and then he was all for them. God, I hate Cigna.

Too bad the laws weren’t the opposite-optional for Cigna and manditory for Big Ben.


You’re moving quickly, and there’s not much between you and whatever you land on when you fall, even with a helment. Seriously, not wearing some head protection and a leather outfit at the least may be a lot more comfortable and studly, but, well, quarterbacks and girlymen alike obey the laws of physics. Your carcass meets the road at, say, 60 mph. Your head meets a car at 30 mph. You don’t need to do the math to determine those are potentially very bad scenerios. It sure as fuck doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out some amount of protection over street clothes is better in a crash. It also doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out crashes happen, and could easily happen to you.

Besides being really stupid, I bet it’s a violation of his contract. I’m sure there’s a “don’t do dangerous things” clause in his contract somewhere and riding a motorcycle w/o a helmet is at the top of the list.

In the vein of “shit happens when you’re on a bike”, here’s some relevant info:

Wear a damn helmet. Light body armor wouldn’t be a bad idea either, I bet.

No, he said it was only during football season.
I’ll bet, though, if he manages to get back on the field, it’ll DEFINITELY be in his next contract!
I’m surprised the news released the name of the woman who hit him. I guess it would have leaked anyways, but damn, knowing how hardcore Steelers fans get, well, I do not envy her.

The irony here is that (last night watched ESPN’s interview with him from last year, about which the helmet thing was thoroughly discussed), Ben was emphatic that he didn’t ride sport bikes, just Harleys and cruisers. IIRC, that bike he was riding was a crotch rocket…

Well, I did at least get one laugh out of this situation. I called my Uncle in Memphis to tell him the news, and he said, “You KNOW Ray Lewis was driving that car!” :smiley:

Sorry Ravens fans, but that’s some funny right there.

The local discjocky I heard the news from first speculated that, as the car had Maine tags, perhaps it was a Pats fan.

Well I heard on the news that apparently, Big Ben doesn’t even have a motorcycle license.


Check out some Steeler specific message boards to see how crazy they seem to be. Folks who felt like they couldn’t work, trembling and of course the idiots who want the woman “dead” or whatever. Thankfully, there are plenty of level-headed folks to put the proper perspective on it as well.

I’m sure it was hyperbole, but a friend of mine that worked in a hospital told me, “Nobody that has ever worked in an emergency room would ever ride a motorcycle.”

Actually I’ve never known this to be the case. I hear just as well with a helmet and earplugs as I can without a helmet. Don’t wear a helmet if you don’t want to but I don’t want to hear crap like this as a reason.

From what I’ve heard on my motorcycling lists is that Ben made a number of mistakes besides not wearing a helmet. I understand that he had a bald rear tire, what the hell, tires might not be cheap but even I can afford to change them when they go. Hell I just changed a brand new tire because I got a hole in it, no bitching since tires are what keeps you on the road. He should have also been watching for someone turning left, I thought that was the first thing you learned as a motorcyclist, idiots turn in front of you.

Next time wear your fucking helmet.

This is just an aside, but to me it’s an interesting one. According to Adam Schefter’s latest article on, Roethlisberger was scheduled to do a Campbell’s Soup commercial shoot today, the 13th. Between the Madden video game franchise, Campbell’s Soup and Sports Illustrated covers, there are too many karma-related injuries in today’s NFL.
Stupid Chunky Soup. So dangerously delicious…DAMN YOU!

I heard that on ESPN, although the exact words were that he doesn’t have a Pennsylvania motorcycle license.

Not sure if this means that he has one from another state.