Free Association v2.0


Hymn for a Sunday Evening

Ed Sullivan, Ed Sullivan
Ed, Ed, Sul, Sul
Ed Sullivan, Ed Sullivan
We’re gonna be on Ed Sullivan

Paul Lynde, who once when VERY drunk, chased me around a gay bar, until he was restrained. I was much younger and cuter at the time.

Big reveal

Janet Jackson’s half-time show on Super Bowl XXXVIII

OMG, was it that long ago???

A long, long time ago, I can still remember…

A wardrobe malfunction far, far away…

Tit for tat.

a. It is what it is.
b. We are where we are.
Is it where we are ?
And if so, why not ?

Wherever you go, there you are.

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together…

the presi i mean king is in the altogether.

Tschaikovsky!??? I LOVE Russian composers!

I love some decomposers, especially mushrooms.

It’s not empty you moron !

That’s empty-headed moron, to you!

What a maroon!

What an ultramaroon!

Bugs Bunny