Fuck 9/11 Observances

I can’t imagine how upset you must be by America’s drone terror campaign.

“Give it ‘em back” cried the East End. And so they did. More than was needed to end the war.

No, I’m no fan of gratuitous cruelty.

Way to troll.

I agree especially when one studies the science behind our bombing campaign. But the difference imo is that without the 9/11 attacks we would not have become involved militarily in the ME and there would have been no drone attacks. However, there were terror attacks against the USA before 9/11 (the first WTC attack, USS Cole, the Embassy attacks). So imo our response was somewhat measured and logical as the attacks were getting bigger and more frequent.

Is it trolling because you don’t have an answer? We killed multitudes more civilians as a response to 9/11 than were killed that day. Why is what we did different?

An event that happened in March 1988, when Reagan was president. But for some reason, you believe this was a basis for Bush to invade Iraq in March 2003, some 15 years hence.

What a tool.

Apparently, it’s trolling to make that point.

And Remember: No Wagering

The sick thing about the Halabja gas attacks is that we blamed Iran despite having zero proof and knowing that the attacks most likely originated from within Iraq. The forensic assessments suggested that the attacks were from Sarin, which Iraq had and Iran did not.

But wait, it gets better: not only did we know that Iraq gassed his own people; we helped Saddam gas Iranians.

ETA: looks like @madmonk28 already ninja’d me on this.

He did. :wink: But it’s such a good point, worth making twice.

I will say this kinda, sorta in defense of @madsircool. The reality is, we live in a predatory world. There are probably always going to be apex predators. That doesn’t necessarily justify all that is done in our names, but we’re a multi-ton bull in a China closet and we’re gonna break shit from time to time. And eventually, our power will wane - it is now, I think. And I think China will be breaking shit in the America closet before too long.

I think we believe too much of our own bullshit. Which is the larger point of this thread, IMHO.

Which is why we shouldn’t use commemorative ceremonies and statues to teach history.

No, let’s make revenge a major driver of foreign policy. Lord knows it’s made Sardinia the envy of all nations.

I might, might be more inclined to agree if it weren’t for the Pentagon. I’m not sure how foreign attacks with casualties on a federal government (military!) building on home soil isn’t “worthy of hype,” whatever that may mean to you. This seems to be the stuff of which serious hype with world-shaking consequences are made, exceptions like “Remember the Maine” notwithstanding.

We started a war in Iraq first thing after 9/11? What are you talking about???

We certainly started planning for it – probably because we had already been planning for it even before 9/11.

Of course, you don’t have a cite for any of that. (ETA, I know it’s the Pit, but still, try harder.)

And that’s when we lost Afghanistan. I was in Afghanistan and Then Iraq. I lost lots of people over the years and my inbox is filled with pleas from Afghan colleagues desperate to get out. Fuck anyone who put a “remember the troops” magnet on their SUV.

You can read this summary of “Plan of Attack” by Bob Woodward - this meets the “cite” requirement for now.