Fuck you, Disney! (Star-Wars-related)

What? According to whom? The Wikipedia entry on this topic confirms my thinking that, at the very VERY least, the position by those in charge of the franchise is not nearly as simple as you make it out to be here.

I’m a Star Wars fan and SF geek from 'way back, but I’ve never read most of the EU stuff.
To me, this is a Fight about the Shadow of a Bantha.

(Sixteen points for those who can identify the reference)

No Christina Hendricks as Mara Jade?! I’m on board wih he OP.

…the EU was canon. Now it isn’t.

Wait, people cared about the extended universe?

When has an EU ever been honored by screenwriters? Last I checked, no matter what the franchise, EU is never canon.

I think it’s adorable that they think, in the age of tumblr, what the IP owner says is canon matters.

The stuff your quoting just says the EU has its own canon and is kept in continuity with itself and the films.

But there’s a big block quote in the middle of it all from GL in 2005 saying he doesn’t intend to keep the films in continuity with the EU stuff. He’s been pretty consistent in that since at least the 90’s.

And really, given the scope of all the extra SW stuff, there was no way they were going to force their screenwriters to try and work around it all. Just reading it would take five years (and given the varying quality of the SW stuff, four of those years would kinda suck). Most long-running franchises seem to go the “alternative universe” route at one point or another for more or less the same reason.

Yea, I think calling it “Extended Universe” sort of suggests your not going to stick to it. That’s why its not just…“universe”

…EU was canon, prioritised as per the link I posted above. G-canon over-ruled everything: if it happened on screen it over-ruled everything. C-canon was assumed to be canon unless contradicted by G or T canon.

These rules have been in place (by authorised Lucas representatives) for a very long time. There had to be a way of ranking the canon and Leland Chee’s Holocron was the way they did it: until now of course.

…and? Lucasfilm (by way of Lucas Licencing) actually determined the canon rules which author and fans have been using over the last few years. GL could have stepped in at any time to lay down new rules, but he didn’t. Until now. Hence the OP.

Translation: his checks cleared.

So the new G-canon is overriding the C-canon. Which means the system works.

So what is it you’re complaining about?

Technically, I think this is D-canon. A-canon? There needs to be a new term, as G is Gone.

…I’m sorry, have I actually complained in this thread?

I thought my first post in this thread was a celebration!

I’m not complaining. I’m explaining. Fighting ignorance, and all that.

You assertion is incorrect by the way. G-canon does not override C-canon anymore. C-canon is simply no longer canon.

The rule is that the films over-rule the EU stuff, which is what’s happening. Indeed, the fact that the rule is that way suggests pretty strongly that they knew they might do this at some point.
Again, I think they’ve been pretty open about the fact that this would happen if they decided to make more movies. I don’t really follow SW stuff very closely compared to a lot of other people, (I’ve read one book, played one video game and watched the cartoon) and that’s what I understood the policy to be.

…again to be clear: its not just the matter of films over-ruling EU in canon. EU is no longer canon.

Personally I pretty much ignored the EU. There were plenty of decisions made that I thought were horrible. Characters like Thrawn and Mara Jade were very awesome though, and it wouldn’t surprise me to see them introduced into the new movies somehow.

I have less faith in J.J. Abrams. I personally don’t like the direction he has taken the Star Trek franchise and now he is in charge of two of the most iconic franchises ever made: which worries me.

I was already expecting this movie to suck, because J.J. Abrams is a hack that walks like a man. I would only have declared parts of the EU uncanon, but we are better off without fuckers like Traviss.

It’s its own canon, which so far as I can tell, was always the case.

I didn’t like the new ST films either. But SW seems like it suits Abrams style a lot more then Trek, so I remain (probably foolishly) optimistic.

…well technically everything is its own canon. EU is now no longer part of continuity as it used to be. It is something else now.

And I agree: Star Wars fits JJ Abrams style would suit Star Wars better.

Disney’s Star Wars looks more & more likely to be about a Bubbly Sith Princess with a pink sparkly light saber & a cute animal sidekick, who go on a journey of self-discovery & terrorize the galaxy.