Fuck you, your future mother-in-law, and your stupid emails

You don’t think saying “fuck you” to a friend in all seriousness is harsh?? I’d say it is, and quite rude as well. Even when I’m in a heated argument, I try to keep such lovely sentiments to a minimum. On a message board is one thing, in person or in an email to a friend is quite another. Especially when it comes with no warning.

Note, i’m talking about when it’s said in seriousness. I tell my friends “fuck you” all the time, when we’re kidding around. But if someone came at me like that and meant it, well, I don’t believe we’d be too good of friends for much longer…

Well lezlers, considering that Jose continues to e-mail Winston, I guess Jose didn’t consider it to be too harsh. Which is all that matters in this case.

I dunno, lezlers. Sometimes some people just really need to be told to fuck off, friend or not. Jose seems like one of these people. If a)Winston has already been snarky to him once, and b) his MIL does not appreciate said snarkiness, perhaps he should rethink his decision to include Winston in his forward list. Perhaps Jose should get a clue that not everyone is as thrilled as he is to get their inbox clogged with shit that might have been funny 10 years ago. Gah. I hate those forward junkies.

I went through a similar situation with a “friend”- every fucking lame-ass piece of shit that came down the pike would be duly forwarded to me. I asked nicely to be removed from the list. “Friend” continues to forward shit to me. I ask again. Friend replies, (in a possible attempt at humor) “Don’t you like jokes?” Continues to forward shit to me. Is met with a “This recipient is no longer accepting mail from this address” message. Calls me to “talk about this”. Is informed in no uncertain terms that they will remain blocked until such time as they see fit to remove me from their fucking forward list.

I never got another message from this person again. What a loss.


In your case, you did what had to be done. You had already asked to be removed from his forward list and you were ignored. As far as we know from the OP, Winston had never asked to be removed, so Jose was totally blindsided with his flying off the handle at him.

I agree that Jose was obnoxious for sending so many forwards. Some people just don’t get it though, and think they’re spreading joy instead of angst when they send the damn things. I also think he thought he was being cute in his response to his MIL. I honestly don’t think he meant anything by it.

All I’m saying is that the world has way too many assholes in it. That’s why you should try not to be one. Especially to people you consider friends. It doesn’t matter how much a certain behavior pisses you off, if you’ve never tried nicely to correct the problem and instead fly off the handle and tell your so called friend “fuck you” then you’re nothing but another asshole, and as I stated above, the world has too many already. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

Jesus people, step outside of your self-involved world and think for a minute how other people might percieve you. Maybe you’ll quit being such assholes. :rolleyes:

But what’s so offensive about the phrase “Please make it stop”?

OK, let me get this straight.
His sending spam and BS forwarding emails is driving you crazy.
But you still consider him a friend?

I understand that. My husband’s brother happens to be overly concerned with both our spiritual status and our financial status. Every day, we would get email trying to send up either to heaven or the poorhouse. Now, being that he is family we had to be careful in our action to stop this.

We finally sent him an email phrased something like this:

Dear [insert name],
I wanted to send you a note asking you to please stop forwarding the mass forwardings you send to everyone. You are my [insert relationship here] and I treasure that, but when I get an email from you, I want to hear from you, not the person 25-50 people back who started sending the email out. I want for you to tell me how your family is, how you are, what is going on in your life or if you want to get together for something sometime. I would love an email asking what is going on in my life or how my family is, etc. But please do not send me email of your joke of the day, or your newest plan to make a million, or even the poem you got about saving souls. Because I probably already know the joke, I have my million buried in the backyard and my soul is quite happy where it is at.
I care about you. You are my [insert relationship here] But when I get an email from you… I would like it to be from YOU.

It worked for us.

OH… this is the Pit: ok, so he is a fucking wanker
(newbie?? who me??)

Disclaimer: I block spam for a living. I do it really well. I might be a little biased.
There’s nothing worse than someone who can’t figure out when to stop, even after people have told him they don’t want to hear it.

You can bet that Winston’s not the first person to tell Jose where to stick it. In a couple years when Jose buys that MILLIONS OF EMAILS FOR $99.99 CD and sends his crap to them, I’ll be the one seeing his ISP account go down into burning wreckage.

And it will be a good day.

Mother-in-law be damned.

Yep. Seems like a no brainer to me.

Nah… lel once told me about a quintuple-post. Forgot where it was, though. Too long ago that she told me, y’see. :slight_smile:


I think the all-time record is seven.

I got kicked off of a mailing list because I kept mentioning Snopes everytime someone would send one of those lame forwards. Finally I snapped and said, “PLEASE, how many times do I have to say it-please check Snopes!”

It was about the missing child or whatever, and the sender got all huffy, saying, “Well, even if it’s NOT true, it blah blah blah…”

Then I was kicked off. No big deal.

Oh, and url=“http://www.theonion.com/onion3638/forwarded_lawyer_jokes.html”]this seems strangely appropriate.


Guin, I’ve gotten that before. I go to Snopes when I read ANYTHING because I hate getting email forwards. I pissed off nearly an entire email list once because I’d received an email from one of them, responded with simply “This is untrue, check Snopes”, and the person who’d received it emailed me privately to say “Well, thank you SO much for making me look like an asshole in front of the group. You know, if that little girl really HAD been missing, you’d feel like a real jackass, wouldn’t you?”

I think my response contained the words ‘read’, ‘fucking’, and ‘can’t’. She’s been checking Snopes every since.


:eek: Major server hiccup or something…