Fucking maskholes and vaxholes

This administration has consistently demonstrated that it’s willing to place profit-making opportunities above the health and safety of U.S. citizens. I’m certainly not an anti-vaxxer, but at the same time I’m definitely not going to trust a vaccine just because the current occupant of the White House says it’s ok.

Wow. Just fucking wow. Insanity. I’m sure their “defense” will be to argue she dissed them somehow.

Wow, wish we could actually control access.

Yes, it’s all about metering, counting the number in the store.

Asshole quotient is pretty high. We have an entrance door and exit door for the store. They are side-by-side, but the entrance feeds in next t to produce, while the exit comes from the registers. It’s obvious and logical to not go in the out door, but a large number of people do anyway. Even after we’ve introduced signs and barricades and set the exit doors not to open from the outside, we still have plenty of people doing it.

We have a large sign “Service animals welcome, no pets.” Yet there are little dogs brought in all the time.

People are refusing to wear a mask during a pandemic because “reasons”. Yeah, assholes abound.

Hah. Yay for Delta.

The Navy Seal who claimed he was the one to kill Bin Laden has been banned for refusal to wear a mask on a flight.

Robert O’Neill is coward and a liar. Check out what he says happened:

No, you didn’t get banned for posting picture. You got banned for being a maskhole.

He’s been doubling down on it, too. He also posted that the mask had been in his lap at the time, as if that should be good enough.

My response to that was that face masks, like bullet-proof vests, work best when worn as designed.

Maybe he think Corona is an std?

I did almost ask him if he thought he could catch COVID through his crotch, but decided to kill him with politeness and sarcasm.

This is excellent! I mean, they would ban him for refusing to wear a shirt, and his lack of shirt wouldn’t risk getting others on the plane sick.

ETA: I saw that tweet and had no idea who that guy was. I thought he was just a regular maskhole! He wrote, “I’m not a pussy” and then deleted the tweet and said his wife made him delete it.

Reading that link, it looks like Delta will allow him back onto their flights after the pandemic is over. Fuck that nonsense. He should be banned forever. Come to think of it, thanks to idiots like him, this damn pandemic very well might last forever.

I’m fine with lifting the ban once the pandemic is over - he probably won’t be flying with them anyway.

But fuck that guy for using his service as a platform for his malignant narcissism. Fortunately, most vets I’ve met seem to embrace the idea that their service to country continues even when out of uniform and long after their time in the service is done.

Yeah, being a veteran doesn’t grant immunity to being an arrogant bastard. A lot of veterans are more humble about their service, but the kind of person who can have the confidence to go out and perform at the level of a SEAL is weighted toward arrogance.

Arrogance is one thing; however, stupidity and entitlement are other critters entirely.

Probably posted elsewhere - covidiots, with “We’re Not Gonna Take It” as their fight song, barge into a Target store sans masks.
Quite scary facebook graphic. Thanks Christine, you fucking asshat.
Here’s a nice little sentiment from the shaker-upper:

I"m just popping in to say “FUCKING CHIN MASK PEOPLE”

It should be legal for me to beat these stupid chin maskers with a stick. A stick with nails in it.

Going to the store, where most folks are wearing a mask like a normal human. Then here comes a geezer with a chin mask. AGGGGH!

Well, here’s an alternative punishment. Apparently in Indonesia, some folks who refused to wear masks as mandated by the local government were put to work burying the Covid dead:


USA needs to do this … send them to help out at hospitals, nursing homes… or cemeteries. We must give choices depending on the severity of stupidity.

No fines. No buying their way out.

All while wearing a mask. :slight_smile:

Driving home from work yesterday at 2 pm I encountered roadwork on one of the back roads I drive daily. The worker with the Stop sign approached my car to explain which alternate routes would work for me.

I know those roads well and didn’t need her help, especially when •she wasn’t masked•. My windows were all up and my dogs were barking. I took her picture through my closed window, then held up my mask.

She went to her vehicle and put on her mask, but I drove off. I sent the picture to the governor’s COVID-19 task force and to PENNDOT.

I went to pick up food from a local Indian restaurant. In the car next to mine, in the parking lot, was a couple wearing masks over their mouths but not their noses.

Are they confused?

They sure confused me. They were in their car with the windows up, so I wouldn’t have taken any note if they wore no masks at all. And of course I wouldn’t have been surprised if they wore masks properly. But why wear a mask wrong when you are by yourself?