Fucking maskholes and vaxholes

I am more disturbed by the casual hatred for a mental patient (the guy who stabbed someone) on display in this thread than the incident itself.

This thread says more about you than about the total strangers you are raging about.

Internet tough guy to the recue!

'Cause stabbing a 77 year old because you just can’t get with the program of wearing a mask is totally OK if you’re mentally ill!

Yeah, no. Mental illness is not an excuse for violence. Pushing that angle actually helps push the bigotry towards us, making us out to be dangerous.

The guy in the OP may be mentally ill, but, unless you have info we don’t, said illness is not why he stabbed someone–it was just that he was upset about having to wear a mask. I don’t stab people despite my anger issues.

And that’s the only guy alleged to have been mentally ill that I saw (though I admit I skimmed a bit), so it doesn’t negate the rest of this thread.

How old are you? As I annoyingly point out many times when this comes up, “literally” has been used as an intensifier for 200 or so years. In my experience, people have only been on the “literally means actually” bandwagon for only the last 30 or so.

I’m sorry, I don’t see where it says he was mentally ill. Do you have more information, or is that just an assumption based on the fact he stabbed a guy over telling him to wear a mask, and attacked a police officer with a knife when she confronted him?

Police confrontations with the mentally ill is certainly an important topic worthy of discussion, but doesn’t need to be in this thread.

Same here. That word literally makes me grind my teeth. (“GRIND MY TEETH” is an expression for irritation, you literal idiots)

I’m not saying he’s not an asshole.
I am saying that I find it disturbing to cheer at his getting shot dead. Or applauding the guy that pulled the trigger.

As for evidence for his mental disorder: -He pulled a knife over a discussion over a mask.

  • He went around with a knife.

If those are not enough to qualify; I’m not sure it’s possible.

I realize it has been used as an intensifier for a long time. Even the dictionary accepts this usage. All of these sources, and you, are literally wrong. The strange thing is, in my normal life I am not a prescriptivist at all. Ask anyone. I even accept “peef” as the singular of “peeves”!! As to how old I am- get the hell off my lawn.

I think I actually meant it that way. I was probably starting to say that people were ‘showing off’ about how they were ignoring the recommendations. If you’re, for example, using fishnet stockings as a mask, you know exactly what you’re doing.

When people started using “literally” to mean “actually,” it was natural that the word would become an intensifier. It was once primarily used to indicate a relationship with words or letters (a “literal translation” is word-for-word, translating (for example) “de nada” as “of nothing” instead of “You’re welcome”).

And then there was this incident where two people had a lovely time on a bus.

First, you are assuming the issue under question. Yeah, stabbing someone over being asked to wear a mask seems crazy, but so does parading into a Target en masse chanting that “masks are killing people, take off that mask,” or refusing to leave a football game when told to wear a mask or leave, and not only forcing the police officer to actually arrest you for trespassing, but resisting such that he has to taser you to get you to comply. Plenty of things seem crazy, but aren’t actual mental illness.

Second, a lot of people “go around with a knife” - I carry one almost all the time. A pocket knife is a useful tool, and it can be used for self-defense in an emergency. It also could be used as a weapon of aggression, but merely carrying a knife does not show an intent to use it on people. I’ve carried a pocket knife “literally” since middle school, and never used it on anybody, self-defense or offense.

Whether one should cheer over someone else getting shot or dying, well, some people have less tolerance for violent assholes and are more appeased by karma.

One of my ex-students who graduated with a nursing degree posted this on her FB page: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=3478562388894054&set=a.941643455919306

I don’t know if she’s practicing. Hopefully not.

For us never-visit-facebook-on-principle people, can anyone describe the pic?

A young cat strutting proudly on its hind legs with the caption “Walking back to my car after voting for Trump, in person, without a mask.”

In other words, anti-maskers are as only smart as housepets and equally should not be allowed out except on a leash, and preferable after being spayed / neutered and given their shots.

Works for me.

Yeah, I think a case could be made that the post is being critical of those who express those sentiments, rather than being supportive of them.

I thought that was possible until I read the comments. They’re all MAGA-ish.

Irony is often undetected by its targets.

Sounds like a version of Poe’s Law.