Fucking maskholes and vaxholes

Another angle that occurs to me is how masking affects poker – does the partial concealment make it more difficult to pick up “tells”, or perhaps have a counterintuitive effect of making them easier to spot because masked players assume they don’t need to put as much effort into their poker faces?

Utah school board meeting has to call the police; guess why:

Fully grown adults acting like children. The mind boggles.

Well, look who they chose as their leader.

I think we may need to broaden the scope of the term maskhole:

I think he should be hanged for misusing “hung”.

Please forgive the ‘hung’. It’s a local idiomatic use. I grew up in Iowa and that still comes out of my mouth.

As to rest of his sentiment, I think he should be hanged for it. [not literally of course]

“Pictures are hung. Men are hanged.

And now we have low-hanging fruit. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Some men are hung.

Bear in mind this is 11 days from the end of term, and the woman who went most bananas has a 4 year old child, for which the rules on mask use are looser for various practical reasons.

As David pakman noted: imagine if people like that focused their energy on actual problems.

Have slime molds ever evolved?

Of course! One was even elected President in 2016!

Deluded anti-vaxxer lunatics may now embrace social distancing and masking - because they are worried about getting cooties from people who have been vaccinated.

One notable reported comment in that article:

Another prominent anti-vaxxer suggested quarantining people who have been vaccinated. “There is something being passed from people who are shot up with this poison to others who have not gotten the shot,” said Larry Palevsky, a New York pediatrician and anti-vaxxer,

Pediatrician? How does this guy still have a medical license?

You know what they call the guy who graduates at the bottom of his medical school class?


Specifically, Proctologist.

Rick posted this elsewhere but it belongs in here too:

Here’s the tweet:

…and they have more jobs than you do, motherfucker.

As stupid as this is, I’m not sure the person who came up with it isn’t secretly brilliant. This type of projection/reversal seems psychologically really attractive to deniers: the “evoluationists” are the ones teaching dogma. The climate change scientists are saying things for political reasons. The anti-racists are the real racists.

But, in this case, the reversal could actually get them to do something they were otherwise completely opposed to doing. While I would, of course, prefer they get vaccinated, I would love if those who weren’t going to think they need to stay away from everyone else.

And if they do dismiss this as stupid, then now both sides are saying stupid things, and maybe someone will be hit by a clue-by-four, and figure out the antimasking stuff was all fake to begin with.

I’m not saying I approve, as I want to get people vaccinated and kept safe. But if this started a joke to see if the anti-mask idiots would fall for it, I would not be too surprised.

I’m sure the store employees would have settled for Bain never shopping at their stores again.