Fun with HTML (tutoral)

Uh, I mean…

<font face=“Wingdings” size=7>B

C</font> perfect

testing this out

<wanna see if this prints>

well, well, well…just found out that placing text in the “<>” symbols doesn’t work…It just disapears

let’s see–

** This is not in bold **

  • This should have italics *
    But it probably doesn’t.
    <strike> This is crossed out. </strike>

<p align=“center”> Is this centered? </p>

<marquee> This is not moving. </marquee>

<marquee behavior=“alternate”> Or bouncing </marquee>

The best Monty Python site I’ve ever seen.

<font face=“Westminster”> This font is Westminster… You may not have it. </font>

<font size=7> BYZANTINE!! </font>

<font color=“Blue”> That is what I wanted to do in the "Brithael V Byzantine thread. </font>

<sarc> I am confident in my HTML skills. </sarc>

“Of course we could make school more challenging Lisa. But then the stupider children would be in here complaining… furrowing their brows in a futile attempt to comprehend the situation.”

One error in the whole damn thing and it’s the one that makes me look arrogant. I meant:

[sarc] I am confident in my HTML skills. [/sarc]

indicating sarcasm.

PS Did this quote?

Jewel said it, and I share the sentiment.

I keeep posting, but this is fun, and besides, this thread must stay at the top for my fellow clueless newbies.

What does nesting the HTML do?

  • ** Italics and bold? ** *

I’m going to try to make a separate web page with the tutoral on it.

<marquee>Still keeping this afloat, thanks to the BigSmily!<img src=“” height=“200” width=“200”>

“The more beautiful the rose, the more thorns it hides underneath.” - Louie


<font face=“wingdings” size=7>I</font> High five

<font color=“blue”><blink>STILL keeping it afloat.</blink></font>

Thought I’d bring this topic to the top while checking to see if my sig is right.

I was educated long after the discontinuation of flogging, and I have no problems with spelling or grammar.
This is because I’m not a moron.
– Stolen from AuraSeer

<a href=“”>My Homepage</a>
<a href=“”>The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Website for Virgins</a>

Hmm, what did I do wrong?

HTML doesn’t work in the signature, only UBB code.

“It’s bacon!!”

BigSmily, keep it up…

<img src=“” height=“200” width=“200”>

<Blockquote><font size=“1”>quote the master</font><hr>BigSmily [sic] keep it up…
<img src=“” height=“200” width=“200”>
Louie <font size=“1” color="#800080">posted 09-27-1999 12:30 AM</font>

HTML !!! Ain’t it screwy!

Oooooh, this looks like so much fun! I’ve just got to try it out myself!

<p align=“center”>**<font color=“Red”>C</font><font color=“Orange”>O</font><font color=“Green”>L</font><font color=“Yellow”>O</font><font color=“Purple”>R</font><font color=“Blue”>S</font></p>

“Oh we were brought up on the Space-Race, now they expect us to clean toilets. When you have seen how big the world is how can you make do with this?”

-Pulp, “Glory Days”

Hey, it worked! Louie, youdaman!!
Some of the cool things I can now do:

[ol][li]<strike>Struck out words.</strike>[/li][li]<marquee><font color=“green”>Scrolling text! In color, no less!</font></marquee>[/li][li]<marquee behavior=“alternate”> :slight_smile: Bouncin’ text! Smileys too! ;)</marquee>[/li][li]<font face=“Bernard MT Condensed”><font size=6>Big, cool alternative typefaces!</font>[/ol][/li]
Gee, I sure hoped all that worked. If it didn’t, boy will my face be red! :o

“Oh we were brought up on the Space-Race, now they expect us to clean toilets. When you have seen how big the world is how can you make do with this?”

-Pulp, “Glory Days”

All right. I can accept that I can’t put smileys on a marquee. I can also accept that you must enter the “/font” command once for every font change I apply. But what I <font color=“red”>can’t</font> accept is the ineffectiveness of my attempts at making an ordered list. I followed all the directions in the UBB tutoral, so what’s going on. ( And yes, I did try it before without the quotes. I got the same results. )

And while I’m at it, why can’t you alter type in a marquee?

“Oh we were brought up on the Space-Race, now they expect us to clean toilets. When you have seen how big the world is how can you make do with this?”

-Pulp, “Glory Days”


{font face=garamond]bunch of words[/font]

[font face=garamond]bunch of words[/font]

[font face=“garamond”]bunch of words[/font]