Funniest 36 seconds on the internet

For some reason, I don’t think a video of a cat, seconds before it is injured/killed, is funny.

How about a video of a cat seconds before it severely embarrasses itself?

I love how the cat sniffs the floor afterwards, which is cat-ese for “Victory is mine!”

The video with the music has a link to the original, in which the owner states in the description and in the comments that the cat is fine.

The cat jumping out of the window was good enough for 2 viewings. The metronome one was side-splitting. Absolutely one of the funniest videos I’ve seen.

Aw, now I really wanna see “Kitty Is A Very Bad Mystic” … alas, it has been removed from, like, everywhere. <sigh>

I like the guy that tosses his pop can into the wrong bin. “The pain train’s a’comin’! WOOT WOOT!!”


That may be the funniest 36 seconds, but thismay be the funniest 47 seconds on the internet!

That is one of my absolute pet peeves in offices - people tossing cans in garbage cans when there are ALWAYS recycling bins right nearby. I adored seeing Terry Tate take someone down for that.

Assuming you know about Minecraft, this is a story about a cat. Don’t watch the clock, but the 36 seconds is over at the exact moment you think it should be.

That was awesome.

I didn’t see anyone in this thread claiming that this was a new video.

I did not see that coming! At 14 seconds, this one certainly has a high funny density.

From the OP:

Yeah, the OP hadn’t seen this. No one said “check out this new video guyz!!”

So, then, my reply to the OP informing that this has been around for a while is both correct and contextually appropriate.

This one I don’t get.
Anyway…why are cat videos so dang funny? I give you the Blender Defender.

I guess so, but also completely unnecessary. I never said it was a hot new thing. I saw it recently, thought it was funny, and wanted to share it with my friends on the SDMB. Why bother pointing out to me that it’s not new? Why is it so important to you that I know I’m not the first to discover the video?

I admit that I laughed when I first watched the first video the OP suggests at the start of this thread.

And let’s face it, that music is brilliantly timed to the movements of the cat, and is also amazing well-themed, if it was based on the music from the flying squirrel suit guy.

But looking back at the original video, it does not seem to say that the cat was, in fact, fine; it only said the cat did not die.

Which does take the mirth out of it.:frowning:

Here are two .gifs that you might like.