Game of Thrones 2.08 "The Prince of Winterfell" 5/20 No Book Spoilers

Dragon magic. Specifically, the unhatched ones. It’s very likely she has some sort of mystical connection with them - but it’s quite the leap from there to “she’s really a human-dragon hybrid” !

Interesting theory …

During that conversation, the maester was listening intently and then looked at the burned corpses. So was this the first time he realized that these were not the Stark children. But then later, he was in the crypt, where Osha and the children were hiding. So during the conversation about the pay-off to the farmer, did he already know about the bodies?

It happened, Theon gave his second in command a bag of gold and told him it was for the farmer “for his trouble”. Dagmer tells him they killed the farmer and his wife to keep them quiet.

Huh. I’ve read the books a couple times, and never really thought of that, but it makes total sense.

I love the way you put that, and it does make sense.

Also like your point that the witch could have been lying. She might have made up the dragony details just to be an asshole and hurt Dany more - that certainly turned out to be her purpose. Or, that whole storyline was dripping with irony; having the baby die by turning dragon-ish would go right along with that.

Ah, yes. Now I remember.

Didn’t Dany once put her hand in some fire or something, prior to the birth of the dragons?

She took a bath in extremely hot water; her handmaiden thought she would burn herself, but she was uninjured.

She also picked up a burning dragon egg, one that scorched a handmaiden. Being Dany’s handmaiden should come with combat pay.

I had read the books, but I had forgotten what real tards the Starks were.

Without getting all spoilery to those non-book readers all I can tell you is don’t get too attached to ANY character regardless of how much screen time they have gotten to date. They are ALL disposable to the needs of the story.

Yeah, but all the rules change when it comes to the series; it’s it’s own entity now.
What annoys me is that there are lines thrown away in the series that have exposition or explanation to back them up in the books, yet the series doesn’t explain them at all. People are going to get confused, especially if they really don’t want any book information.

They aren’t. Dany is.

I’ve never read the books, this is just my understanding based on what the show has presented to us. It’s clear as day, IMO.

Dany exhibited dragony heat immunity before she even met the Dothraki. There was nothing but petrified dragon eggs in the world when the witch doctor described the half-dragon fetus, so why would she think to make up that lie specifically?

Dany flat-out said that her brother wasn’t a dragon when his golden crown killed him because dragons can’t be killed by fire. Dany can’t be killed by fire. Dany gave birth to a half-dragon. Ergo, Dany is a dragon.

I could get behind the idea that the death magic sucked the life out of the fetus, though remember they used a horse as well so I don’t think a lack of life force to draw from is sufficient to explain Khal’s brain-dead result. (Even assuming that, though, I can’t imagine Dany wanting to ever birth a healthy half-dragon abomination.) What I can’t get behind is the idea that the death magic turned an otherwise normal human fetus into a half-dragon one. That just makes no sense.


Are you perhaps in the wrong thread? Because the very first post of this thread says:

I think it’s fairly obvious that it took the life of the Stannis/Mel conceived baby to create the shadow baby assassin, so with that and the show’s demonstrated point that they had to get close, means the minimum limitations is once a month and having to sneak to close proximity. Not granting Mel magic control over her own fertility would mean the conception destined to create the shadow might not happen more frequently than any standard conception.

That’s not considering more likely drawbacks, like it takes an equivalent amount of life and energy from the parents a full 9 month gestation would, or more even, or the supposedly weird magic possibilities, like having the conception be during a full moon or something.

There’s every reason to believe death magic had to do with it. Her unborn child had to die for Drogo to live, that was the price. There was every implication that otherwise, the child was viable and destined for greatness. I interpreted the deformation and sloughing off dragon scale skins as signs of the perverting nature of blood magic, akin to a harlequin baby or a brainless frog baby. It suffered and went sour in the name of snatching life from the jaws of death.

The Targaryn tendency to inbreed can be just as easily explained as their preserving the throne by keeping within their own tribe than a genetic incompatibility with other humans.

What does Robb plan to do about the whole Theon in Winterfell business? He is a King without a country as it stands and sending some guys illegitimate son is not helping.

I never got the “Dany’s uterus is lined with scales after the miscarriage” or whatever would make her sterile. She is not as sexual as the other characters considering the Khal seems to be the only man she’s been with and that she would have had to have been raped to get back her brother’s throne instead of your basic prostituting herself. As Khaleesi, she still views herself as married to Drago and I think she doesn’t see herself as remarrying and Dany would not put herself in a position to have a child out of wedlock.

It’s not even just Theon in Winterfell, although that is the main concern. Yara took Deepwood motte and the Ironmen are basically raiding all of the north. But yeah, the plan does seem only to send Roose Boltons bastard to take back winterfell so he doesn’t have to halt his campaign in the south.