Game of Thrones 5.08 "Hardhome" 5/31/15 [Show discussion]

This is why the sand snake fight was so bad. They used up all the money and expertise on this fight.

Someone on another site said that GoT was the best TV going. I disagree. I think it’s the best ANYTHING going right now, movies included. All the other movies and TV shows I’ve seen of late seem pale and washed out by comparison. (SL Gor roleplay is still better than GoT, but it and all videogames have an unfair advantage … the difference between “viewer” and “player.”)

When it’s good, (like tonite) it’s very *very *good. But…

It’s really just different production crews. They film all over the world. I heard somewhere they were forced to hire a local crew for the Spanish scenes and it shows they’re not up to par with the rest of the crews.

Wow, stuff definitely happened. I actually had chills from the White Walker scenes and it’s hotter than hell here right now.

I kept expecting the giant to succumb but then I guess everyone would be screwed if they had an undead giant.

Isn’t Arya’s little sword Valyrian too?

I was also thinking they’ll be really fucked if the giant turns White Walker. Those kids - wow, well done. Creepiest thing GoT has ever done. As a horror fan, that was outstanding.

I’m loving Tyrion and Dany together.

No, it was forged by the blacksmith at Winterfell, high quality maybe, but just regular steel.

Yeah, they were probably too busy having sex with women.:smiley:

That seems like a lot of thought and advanced planning for the Free Folk.

A couple of questions about the army of the dead though.

  1. Other than dramatic effect, why did all the Wildlings outside the gate suddenly go quiet?

  2. I thought they already established that wights could only be killed by fire? It seemed like they were putting a lot of them down with conventional stabbing.

I have big plans after this war. Let me tell you guys all about them!

Red hot giant on wight action, all right. Was that White Walker at the end who raised the dead the same one as turned Craster’s son? Seemed to have the same kind of ‘crown’.

Was the White Walker who became Ice Cubes dressed as a Brother of the NightsWatch? The King of Ice at the end certainly was. I almost expected him to say “ah another Brother”.

Was the Lady Wildling taken down by her own daughters? She certainly seemed to freeze when she saw the kid’s corpses.

My take on that is that they all died more or less immediately when the zombies hit them.

I think child zombies of any parentage would make even a wildling pause.

I’ve made a huge mistake.

That’s what it looked like to me.

BTW, did Jon Snow retrieve the bag of dragonglass weapons before he got off the shore?

Edd convinced him they needed to GTFO and leave the dragonglass.

I’ll have to watch again; I didn’t notice the Night’s Watch outfit. Interesting.

DigitalC linked to a video of that swordfight a few posts back. And Sam said something about knowing Jon for years. Someone last week also said something indicating that years have passed since the show started. Anyone have any idea of just how much time is supposed to have passed?

Amazing episode. The Dany/Tyrion scenes were everything I hoped for. So happy those two are a team now. And that battle at the end…wow.

I enjoyed how they created a character in that Wildling Woman with the two daughters and made us know her and car about her in less than five minutes of screen time.

One question, did anyone else get a weird vibe from the hooded figure who was in Jon Snow’s boat in the end? I thought for sure it was going to be revealed as a stow away White Walker.

Myrcella said she’s been in Dorne for 2 years. Dany carried a baby to birth. I’d say total it’s been about 4 years. Then again Gilly’s baby is perpetually 2 months old.

Looking at some screenshots, I don’t see the White Walker outfits as Night’s Watch uniforms.

Don’t know if it was him, but one of the white walkers looked like that brother that was ambushed in the begining of season one, the first episode. The only survivor was beheaded by Ned.
