Gary Oldman defends Mel Gibson, Alec Baldwin

Yeah, I guess? Jewish-owned media inflate the image of wealthy Jews to show that members of the Tribe have made good. This seeps into the worldview of Gentiles who see that media, they start talking about the Rothschilds and ZOG.


Really Foolsguinea? Perhaps you need to get out more.

In the larger world Jewish people are unremarkable and unnoticed. I say that having a Jewish wife and children who can be scottish presbyterian or jews as they choose. They’ve gone to church with me but as almost-adults give every impression of being agnostic. If they want to later follow Scottish or Jewish culture that is fine with me. Probably they will just be Kiwis. :smiley:

I find anti-semiticism abhorrent.


This is far more insightful about you than it is about the world.

Seek help.

I’m having trouble parsing this. Are you saying Jewish bosses in Hollywood are trying to create the impression that Jews are far more powerful internationally than they actually are?

I think the best part is that this is one of his final statements in the interview:

I think he was drunk off his ass. Otherwise I have to believe that Gary Oldman is a complete moron and that just makes me sad.

Oh man, this is disappointing. I loved the fifth element. It wasn’t my first exposure to Mr Oldman, but I thought it really showed his range since I almost didn’t recognize him in that role.

I see a big difference between Mel Gibson and Alec Baldwin though. I’ve never seen anything that implies Alec is actually homophobic, just bad tempered. But Mel appears to be truly anti-semitic and chauvinistic.

Some actors should never give interviews. Meg Ryan, I’m looking at you.

Maybe he really DOES believe Jews control Hollywood ;). I mean, you have to apologize to the folks running things, but not the others ;).

Are *you *drunk? :confused: Is this some weird meta thing? I’ve never thought of you as anti-Semitic and with over 10,000 posts you’ve been here a while.

Holy shit. It always surprises me when someone I’ve seen around the boards forever posts something of their beliefs that makes my head spin. Well done, I guess.


Likely just a coincidence, but guess who did sound mixing for Oldman’s last few movies.

I wish. :smiley:

This, so this. The old “I’m just saying it, but all of you are thinking it” canard used to varnish bigotry is something I expect from Larry The Cable Guy, not Gary Oldman. How disappointing.

Having said that, Gary Oldman seems positively normal compared to the direction this thread has taken. :confused:

poor, Gary

he must have thought it was white boy day.

So we’re learning a lot here- and not just about Gary Oldman!

That’s funny right there!

That’s frustrating to read, but whatever :frowning: I will be much less enthusiastic about watching his roles and admiring his work, but I won’t boycott him either. It’s a true shame he feels the way he does though.


He has apologized today, for whatever that’s worth. With very few weasel words as far as I can tell.

Well, he apologized for the antisemitism. I guess that means that homophobia and racism are still OK in his book.

Truly, truly, depressing. I guess that’s one more actor whose WORK I enjoy, in spite of what they’re actually like as a person.

foolsguinea, have you gotten into Mel Gibson’s liquor cabinet?