Geese are horrifying

Some people want to ban foie gras because they consider it cruelty. Others suggest that it is an important culinary item and some suggest that we can do it less cruelly. I might suggest that the cruelty is feature not a bug, and it is our only weapon against the winged menace.
Oh, and you can also make it with duck liver. Ducks aren’t any better, they are known to be rapists and necrophiles.

When I was a kid we had a sea life book with a bunch of photos in it. I think it might’ve been Jacques Cousteau. I quickly caught on to which page had the moray eel so that I could skip that page without seeing it.

The only time I’ve seen gooses retreat was when a group tried to attack my then small sons. I came after them with a fishing pole and they seemed to get that there was a large creature defending its young.

Goose-fearing folks should definitely avoid National Wildlife Refuges, especially in winter when flocks of thousands are a common sight.

Hey, what’s good for the priestesses of Juno is good for the cranky old grandad:

Survive? Canada geese are an invasive species in this area and the ecological damage they do endangers the survival of other species.

A gøøse once bit my sister

Horrifying to cook (4 hours) but very tasty.

Inside a sea turtle’s mouth:

Ha! Much like the mouth of a camel.

I saw a video of a sea turtle autopsy once, showing the spiny features seen in Smeghead’s link. The explanation was that it had to do with the turtle’s diet of jellyfish, and the fact that it ate them under water: the spines keep the jellyfish from being expelled when the turtle squeezes to move all the excess water out of its mouth and throat before swallowing.

So I’m at a loss to understand why a landlubber camel would have similar features in its mouth… :confused:

My search also turned up this Cracked article:

The 7 Most Terrifying Mouths in Nature

Sorry to report that geese aren’t on the list.

Being desert critters, camels eat pretty much any plant they can get their lips on. If they only had to worry about plentiful and compliant grasses, the inside of their cheeks would be more like cowses and horseses. But they also have to deal with prickly stuff and sticks & twigs which can be tricky. The papillae on their cheeks work a bit like the sea turtle’s–they help to keep stuff in their mouths, and to help to work it back toward their swallowhole.

The good thing about them is that when the dead rise and roam the earth and you and your family have taken shelter in an enclosed space with some open yard, geese will be a great source of fresh meat.

Within your zombie-proof compound, have a shallow bit of water in a grassy area; it’ll draw geese looking for a meal. When they land, just walk up to them. Geese are aggressive and stupid, and at least one will refuse to retreat and will decide to fight you; hit that one in the head with a shovel. Presto, you’ve got dinner, and you didn’t have to waste ammunition.

Most waterfoul* seem to be. (I’m with Hari on Swans being the biggest dicks of the avian world. I was chased by one of them at 6 years old, so I may be biased, though.)

  • A typo that I left alone, because…fuck, it accurately describes the bastards.

A Canada Goose attacked me when I was out jogging a couple years ago. It was on the ground, and then it jumped up and flew right toward my head. I ducked just in time. It then flew toward my head again, and that time it hit me with its wing. :mad:

All of these horror stories about Canada geese don’t match my experience with them. Many a time Clan Piper has fed the geese here in their native habitat, on the shores of the Mighty Wascana.

Perhaps they just don’t make good tourists? Take them away from their native home and they get edgy and rude?

please don’t feed geese. they don’t need your “food,” and feeding them encourages them to just hang around crapping all over the place which pollutes smaller bodies of water. They’re such a nuisance in Michigan that if you feed them in state parks you’ll get a citation.

we have beaches in my city we used to swim at when I was a kid which have been unusable for years now thanks partly to all of the goose shit.

Ugly Canadians?