Gimme an "F", gimme a "U", gimme songs that spell stuff

On the Ghost World soundtrack, there’s an old Country song–racially insensitive to the extreme, but it ties in to the plot-- called “C-H-I-C-K-E-N Spells Chicken.”

H-A- Double R-I
G-A-N spells Harrigan!
Proud of all the Irish that’s in me.
Divil a man can say a word agin me!
Oh, H-A-Double R-I
G-A-N you see!
It’s the name,
That no shame has ever been connected with
It’s a name that a shame never has been connected with
Harrigan, that’s me!

T-R-O-U-B-L-E by (I think) Travis Tritt.

And that old Sunday School chestnut: “The B-I-B-L-E, yes that’s the book for me…”

From musical theatre:

U.N.C.O.U.P.L.E.D.–Starlight Express
G.E.K.U.P.P.L.E.T.–German Starlight Express
Me C.O.R.T.O.–Mexican Starlight Express

Assassin’s Song–Blondel (I’m an A-double-S, and A-double-S, A-double-S-I-N)

You could kinda, sorta toss “Buenos Aires” from Evita in here:

I want to B-A part of B.A. Buenos-Aires Big-Apple.

Oklahoma, okay…L- A - H - O - M - A !!!

Cause I’m a woman
W-O-M-A-N say it again.

I hope that wasn’t meant to be a disagreement, given that the song is headed:

The Fish Cheer & I-Feel-Like-I’m-Fixin’-To-Die Rag”

“The Fever” by the Von Bondies


“Communicate” by the B-52s.

Talk from your heart and not just your brain
Talk from your heart and not just your brain
(Your brain that is)

And the Encyclopedia song.

Holy childhood flashbacks, Batman!!

And from the Jerry Seinfeld/Superman adventures, there’s “Oh Yes, Wyoming!”

F, I said F-I, F-I-N, F-I-N-K. Fink! F-I-N-K, fink, fink, fink, fink!
R, I said R-A, R-A-T, R-A-T-T. Rat! R-A-T-T-F-I-N-K!
Ratfink, ratfink, ratfink, etc. etc. etc.

Rat Fink The Misfits

I know, deep stuff, huh?

“Ratt Fink” is just a slight change from the older “Rag Mop” by the Ames Brothers (and Beany and Cecil):

Oh, R.
I say R.A.

Then there’s:

Meet the Mets
Meet the Mets
Meet the M.E.T.S. Mets! :smiley:

Exapno The Encyclopedia Song! Jiminy Cricket! :wink:

Yeah, seeing the Rag Mop entry earlier in this threat made me think of Rat Fink.

…and there’s always the subtle If You See Kay by April Wine

“M E T H O D Man” by the Wu Tang Clan


'S A T-U-R D-A-Y Night!" by the Bay City Rollers

“Rock You” by Helix

They got it from Allan Sherman.