Go and give yourselves cancer somewhere else, please

Are you not aware that some people are allergic to cigarette smoke? And that others have severe athsma attacks that can be triggered by a little whiff of smoke? Certainly these are relatively rare cases and most of the people you see reacting this way are just being dramatic but your 2nd hand smoke is a real hazard for some people. As far as they are concerned you might as well have sprayed them with tear gas.

Ok, what about my buddy the voice major? A little second-hand smoke can screw up his voice for a few hours, or even a day or two, depending on how much it is. His college major depends on his voice, and soon (with any luck) his career. He can’t even go to many parties and events held in non-smoking areas because even if people don’t smoke inside, they smoke in areas where it is guaranteed to waft in.

There are plenty of people allergic to smoke, and life ain’t no picnic for them either when somebody holds open the door with their foot while they smoke technically “outside”.

Or that somone went ahead and put an ashtray there anyway because they didn’t want to go where igniting cancer sticks is permitted.

Actually - it DOES “infringe on my life”. I have asthma and a little bit of smoke makes me pretty miserable. I can’t breath. I get light headed. I develop a horrible headache. I feel sick to my stomach.

For this reason, I almost NEVER go to bars or clubs where smoking is permitted. I wait for an extra 1/2 an hour in line at a restaraunt to get a non-smoking table (no longer a problem in Calgary), I don’t visit the homes of people who smoke.

However, I don’t really have the option of not walking into my work place, or never leaving the house, so, yes, if I have to walk through a cloud of smoke to get to my job AT THE TOM BAKER CANCER CENTRE then you ARE infringing, thank you very much.

This rant brought to you by the makers of Nicoderm. Well, no, not really.

Then there are the assholes who think that the moment they get to the revolving doors they are “outside the building” and light up, filling the doorway section not only with smoke but also with the delightful aroma of butane/sulfur. :rolleyes:

And apparently “no smoking” only means you can’t have a lit cigarette in your hand when you enter the bus/train etc. Taking one last drag, pitching the still-lit butt on the floor, and then exhaling after you get inside is perfectly OK.


Fuck off, you asshole.

I am so sick of the fucking political hijack by assholes like you who unable to discuss any issue without bringing their pet political rant into the situation.


For those whom a whiff of smoke while walking thru a doorway triggers an asthma attack, then i feel bad for you. Seriously. It must be very difficult having such a weak constitution. However the majority of militant anti-smokers need to lighten up. The air in most major cities is probably worse for your health than the horror of having to walk thru a cloud of smoke.

But not bad enough to try a little consideration?

If that’s what you mean, then you are a total asshole.

Smoke that.

Not unless you call UC Santa Cruz a “right wing Christian” college.

Such as? Ask everyone if i’m about to trigger lung spasms?
I have an aunt who claims she is allergic to perfume,deodorant etc. Should everyone shout a warning when they come near her, like a leper? It only takes maybe a half a sec to walk thru some smoke. How bout hold your breath.

Riiiiight - I should hold my breath so you can enjoy a good smoke?

I’ve got a better idea - how 'bout you enjoy your smoke in the doorway, and just don’t exhale?

Suck off, Quintas. Some of us are actually allergic to that shit.

Excuse me?

Ike, I sincerely apologize for the tone and language of that post. Chalk it up to tiredness, crankiness and a growing irritation with (what I percieve as) an escallation of political hijacks of non-political threads I’ve seen on the Board recently. But even if your post was one, I apologize for blowing up at you. It was a gross overreaction and uncalled for.

Sorry, Ike.


Fuck you, man.

I expect flowers, AND chocolates, AND warm cuddling with foot-rubs before I ever talk to YOU again.


This sounds like a serious case of non-smokers over reacting. If you are walking down the street and you see a smoker coming your way, if it is going to cause an asthma attack, for god’s sake - hold your breath. Everyone has allergic reactions to all kinds of things, perfume, whatever. I get a headache everytime I smell someone with extremely strong perfume like White Diamonds, but I just hold my breath. Honestly, most smokers do not want to harm anyone, it is an addiction. If there is that bad of a problem, go tell your hall monitor (assuming that you are not the hall monitor) that people are smoking in non-designated smoking areas. If they are in fact in designated smoking areas, maybe you should consider re-locating yourself. Some smokers can be extremely inconsiderate, and those are the people that your post is directed to (I hope). I happen to be a considerate smoker. I dont smoke around non-smokers and I only smoke in designated smoking areas. I smoke because I am addicted and I enjoy every last drag of every cigarette that I take, not because I want to keep you up at night or because I want to trigger an asthma attack.

As I’ve said, they are not.

Fine, I will.

And I’ll quit ranting about smoking when a cancer patient can enter my place of work (hospital, research centre and *
CANCER TREATMENT CENTRE*)without having to hold theirs because some fuck wit smoker is too fucking inconsiderate to take a few steps away from the door.

If you’re a considerate smoker, great.

To those smokers who aren’t - I hope your camel gets hump hives.

Isn’t that some kind of STD?

I dunno - but I’ve heard it’s quite unpleasant and expensive to treat…