Good gift in honor of becoming an American Citizen?

Sorry for suggesting one more gag gift… a welcome to the club book:
“Stupid White Men” :slight_smile:

You could give him a gag gift that is not offensive… especially if its something very american he doesn’t like… like baseball caps or baseball bat. (I’ll wager he is a cricket fan)

Some ideas -

A good bio of Lincoln, Jefferson or (as mentioned above) Franklin. Everyone should read Lincoln’s entire 2nd Inaugural Address. There’s a lot more to it than “With malice toward none”.

A CD of patriotic music in traditional arrangements. He’ll hear more modern versions soon enough. Should include the Star-Spangled Banner, America the Beautiful, and the Stars and Stripes Forever.

For a humorous take on American history, the CD of “Stan Freberg Presents The United States Of America, Vol. I”.

In addition to anything else, a nice printed copy of this Asimov article about the Star-Spangled Banner. Asimov was also an immigrant - he came to the USA with his family when he was 2. The article opens like this: