Goodbye to my dog, Pooka Bear

Ted and I, and the rest of The Elite send our condolences. :frowning:

Ah, I love Newfoundlands. Possibly my favorite breed of dog, but I’ll probably never get one because I think big dog/short lifespan thing would be hard :(. Your guy did well making it to 11, he was obviously very well-cared for.

Condolences Sunny Daze.


Thank you everyone. It was nice to share memories about him. I appreciate you all lending an “ear”. :slight_smile:

I sure wish dogs lived as long as we do. Something that provides so much unconditional love deserves to be on this Earth a lot longer.

Thanks for sharing your memories, Sunny Daze.

I’m sorry, Sunny. What a special guy.

Goodnight, Pooka. You brought love to your family.

Thank you, and my condolences

I’m so sorry. There are no words to express the pain of losing a well loved dog.

Who’s gone and let the sentient onion in here? wipes eyes

My deepest condolences, Sunny. Sounds like Pooka was a hell of a dog.

Sincere condolences.

My sister once owned a Newf. He weighed as much as me and was as gentle as a mouse. I loved that dog.

Love to all.

Sunny Daze, I am so sad for you today. Losing a loyal, loving trusted companion is almost unbearable.

I’m glad you two had the time together that you did. You were clearly a most worthy human for Pooka’s love and dedication. Thanks for bringing him to life for us a little bit through your loving words.

I am so sorry for your loss. it hurts so bad, even when we know it may be the kind thing to do. I present here a verse from Kiplings “The Power of the Dog”

When the body that lived at your single will,
With its whimper of welcome, is stilled (how still!)
When the spirit hat answered your every mood
Is gone – wherever it goes – for good,
You will discover how much you care,
And will give your heart to a dog to tear.

Beautiful stories. Thanks for sharing. I love the name, Pooka Bear.

I’m sorry for your loss.

I’m so very, very sorry.

Never enough time. Goodbye, Pooka. Good dog!


So, so sorry. That’s one of life’s hardest challenges.
Best wishes.

So sorry for your loss, Sunny Daze; your tribute is lovely.

Don’t know if you guys know this great song but if not give it a listen: “I Want My Dog To Live Longer”.

Pooka say Hi to my Zelda… she did not like to swim either unless to keep her boys “safe”. But she did like to chase rabbits which had an almost sad ending when she chased a rabbit into tall grass and then snatched up the next brown small thing she saw in the grass which was my lil Chi who had followed her in the chase. Luckily she only grabbed and did not shake to kill… they were best friends.

I also hate these threads because not only do I bawl while thinking of the pet who is gone I recall my pets who are gone.

And I have a one sided kitty right now. As in he’s so ragged like an old towel that “only has one side”. He’s around 18 years old (was at least 3 when he wandered into our yard and my then 2 year old said “there’s a new kitty in the yard” is now 17.)

You will see him again.