GOP Activists to Romney: Why Aren't You Winning?

More simply, most people blame Bush more than Obama for it anyway. And Romney is promoting the return of Bush policies.

He might have even gotten away with that, if he hadn’t done it in person, smirking his way through the attempt to exploit the event and leaving an indelible impression on the reporters that there was something just not right about him.

The blaming begins. (Link to NY Daily News website.)

That looks to be highlights of a much larger piece that appeared yesterday:

I didn’t watch the Eastwood speech, but I’m flabbergasted to learn that it was largely extemporized.

Let’s just say for the sake of argument that Romney does get NC (15 EV). Let’s also spot him VA (13), OH (18), WI (10), IA (6), CO (9), and NV (6). He still loses if he does not get FL as well as all of the above.

I thought of starting a thread on that Politico piece. It’s a definite sign that the Romney campaign is in the first throes of a death spiral. You usually get this kind of story after a loss but the election is still seven weeks away. The Hillary, McCain and Romney campaigns all look rather similar don’t they ? Growing chaos and dissension as they are methodically picked apart by the Obama team.

Ladies and gentlemen, could this be the ace in the hole?

So now, apparently, according to Mittens himself, Obama voters are “dependent on government” and “believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing.”

This kind of bullshit resonates with the GOP base, but among the rest of the public it’s bound to come off as ridiculous nonsense. If anything, this video further hurts Romney’s chances of trying to come off as the everyman, and the Obama team should jump on this to rile up the Dem base and turn over the independents to their side.

I agree. Folks need to remember that while a presidential campaign is primarily about electing a candidate, it’s also a career stepping stone for the campaign staffers. Dishing to the press now is a sign that some of those staffers want to soften their own landing when Romney going bust.