Got Milk?

Not here it’s not. $3.99 /gal.

There was a thread a few weeks back wondering if cows had joined OPEC. Funniest thread title I’d seen in a long time.

In fact, there was a minor dustup a few months back in one of these groups - I want to say the milk group, but I’m not sure - where some of the members were suing the association because they didn’t like the ads, and they didn’t like having to pay for them. Something along those lines.

Anyway, a company I used to work for did a lot of work with several of these groups, along with similar groups that promote plastic and steel, and I can definitely say that they’re not governmental groups. They’re associations consisting of major producers in the industry.

I was given a T-shirt with the slogan “got blood?” after donating at my town’s Red Cross drive. Kinda oogy IMHO…

Ooh, this one’s my favorite! But I always feel sorry for the poor sap in the end. :smiley:

(IIRC, the trivia question is "Who shot Alexander Hamilton? The camera pans so that you can see the guy is surrounded by artifacts relating to Aaron Burr, and then the guy’s immense frustration that he can’t be understood because he has no milk to wash away the peanut butter…)