Groundhog Day - Phil Connors has 5 more years to go

I have a theory. A scary theory.

Each “day” is the end of that loop. And in that universe, the world continues on. So if, in context of the movie, Phil repeated the day, say, 10,000 times, EACH one of those days continues on as if nothing was wrong. So Phil is dead, and remembered as committing suicide out of the blue, in a huge chunk of the universes.

Phil Prime repeats the day once, thinks it was weird, maybe he dreamed it, and moves on with his life, virtually unchanged.
Phil 1 reperatd it twice, thinks hey that was weird, and moves on, virtually unchanged.
Phil 2 repeats it three times, almost sees pattern, but then moves on.
Phil 3 repeats it four times, begins to wonder what’s going on, but then it ends.
and so on
Phil 55 thinks he’s beginning to see that it will never end, but then it does.
Phil 56-59 contemplate suicide, but they don’t, and the day ends
Phil 60-250 commit suicide in various ways, and stay dead. It makes the state news.
Phil 545-630 get arrested for attempting to rob the bank, spend 10 years in federal prison, and wonder why the day stopped repeating THAT day.
Phil 3599-3722 get arrested for murdering Ned, earning life in prison. Phil is upset that the cycle broke THAT day, but Phils 3700-3722 think it was worth it.
Phil 7123 begins the pattern of change. Each one from Phill 7123-9999 think that it was the decision to become a good person that broke the cycle.
Phil 10000 is the movie.
Phil 10001 wonders if the cycle will ever end!