Guess the Movie Game in 30 questions

Nope. :wink:

Whoops, missed one: Apocalypse Now :smack:

Got it in 12.

The horror, the horror.

Your turn to make one up?

Apocalypse Now

Sure. I’ll simply add that it’s one of my personal favorites.

GO! :cool:

cracks knuckles

Was it released in 1980 or after?

#1: No

Did it win an Academy Award?

#2: No

Was it released in the 70s?

Was it filmed in black-and-white?

#3: No

#4: Yes

Is it a foreign movie? (not American)

#5: No

Did it include any of the following actors? Cary Grant, Kate Hepburn, Audrey Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, James Stewart.

Drat, that’s the one I thought you were thinking of but had to go to lunch before you answered my question. Ah well.

#6: Yes (one of them)


Is Cary Grant in it?

#7: Yes

Is it a Hitchcock movie?