Guilty Pleasures

A full pound of Bacon with maple syrup on it.
Root beer float made with Hagen-Dazs. (Oddly, I’m not overweight. Give me time.)
Sleeping until 11 on a weekday.
Fantasizing about illegal things that I would certainly never do and dare not speak aloud.
Blowing belly bubbles on my cat.
Making love outside in the woods.

Well, actually, I don’t really feel all that guilty about some of these.

Ooo, I’m happy to see this thread revived :slight_smile:

I thought of a couple more guilty pleasures:

West Side Story
Stephen King
Are You Being Served?
Old reruns of Saturday Night Live
Spanking my big cat’s fluffy bottom – it’s just so fluffy, it looks like he’s wearing pantaloons!
Eating Wow! potato chips – you’d think a person wouldn’t have to feel guilty about eating a reduced fat or fat free chip, but people first reaction is, “don’t those things cost a fortune? Don’t they give you tummy trouble? I’ve heard such awful things about them…” My reaction is, “Maybe, no, and bite me.”
Telling people to “bite me” – is it supposed to be sexual? I don’t really want to get bitten, but it sure shuts some people up quick which is what I want.
And Randolph Mantooth!

“I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it,” Jack Handy

Tracy Ullman. I actually bought a video, since they don’t rent them.

I’m waiting for the ultimate comedy, where Whoopi Golberg and Tracy Ullman dress up as each other.

As a sociopath, I am of course incapable of feeling things like guilt, but my love of malt liquor is well documented.
oh, and Beethoven.

Yours in Christ,
Dutch Courage.





I’ll second the vote for Ben & Jerry’s Chubby Hubby.

Creme brulee

Taking a nap while the kids are in school

Skipping my step class

Girls Night Out where we order nothing but appetizers and beer


Ordering books on-line (it doesn’t seem like I’m spending money…)

“And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?”

Hi, George. Dropping by for the millenium?

Funny he should show up in this thread because earlier on BigIron said he wouldn’t.

Two more GPs of mine:

spending money on porcelain hinged boxes

Fell belle elle Michelle writes:

GEORGE!!! >>

And she’s not the first one!

Dutch “guilty of pleasure” Courage
