Gun Control; Toddlers Shooting People

What, we have to tolerate a bunch of Confederate Battle Flags in return for no crime? … tenants packing their Glocks on their hips even keeps the police in line …

Of course these guns are “at the ready” … spin the combination, load the gun up and one should have plenty of time to shoot that deer … it only takes an extra 60 seconds which is nothing if one is planning on spending the whole afternoon at the shooting range …

Are you talking about defending your home from noisy burglars? … odds are they’re after your guns in the first place … and the police are going to ask why you didn’t call 911 before you killed the burglars … I know this argument is made by some of the pro-gun folks, but I don’t … owning a gun is a right a vast majority of gun owners are completely responsible with … if we say there are 350,000 gun deaths and injuries per year, then there’s 299,650,000 guns that aren’t used to kill or injury every year …

Do we outlaw cell phones because one in a thousand use them while driving?

Imagine being a toddler. If you’re not living under tyranny I don’t know who the fuck is. You wanna shoot Mommy through the back of the minivan seat, have at it.

I no longer have kids in the house and keep my guns locked locked up. And I can access the ones designated for home defense in about 10 seconds. I’m not concerned about kids getting them. I’m more concerned about a burglar shooting me with my own gun.

There are laws in every state regarding leaving firearms unsecured around minors. Tards who violate them should get hammered. Shootings too good for them. :stuck_out_tongue:

Kid kills themself or a parent, not that big a deal. They knew the risk when they decided to mix guns and children, and refuse to take any precautions to prevent the mixture from becoming dangerous.

It’s when the toddler shoots the neighbor’s kid, or the neighbor (bullets from a 3 year old can kill an adult), then it’s no longer just a family matter.

You’re talking about children like thwy only count as objects their parents own, and so their deaths don’t matter. If someone beats their kid to death you can see how an innocent was harmed–why isn’t it the same if a kid dies because their parents left a loaded fun out?

Over 50K kids under the age of 5 are treated every year in emergency rooms for taking prescription medication.

something like 5% of children under the age of 6 are poisoned every year. Mostly 1 and 2 year olds.

So no we haven’t learned how to childproof the world for kids yet.

Well, if you really want to get technical, there are still children who get the effing measles, because of jerkwad parents who won’t vaccinate them.

It’s not so much about keeping the stupid people from having guns, as keeping the stupid people from having children.

I stand corrected. One post that doesn’t actually propose anything debatable but merely states that we can keep guns away from toddlers, a statement as controversial as “We CAN reduce childhood smoking,” can indeed generate a good debate.

But we may be barking up the wrong tree. Since 2010, six dog owners have been shot by their dogs in this country alone, and those are just the REPORTED cases. Dogs are arming themselves, people, and it’s not pretty. Man’s best friend, indeed.

Cite for the 50k?

As to the one in six, I already showed that seems to be “exposures” that almoat all amounted to nothing.

Actual deaths from poisonings are on par with deaths from toddler shootings . . .and there’s a lot more poison out there.

But CPS cannot investigate gun owners as a class. They would need some probable cause. If they get a warrant but find that the guns are stored safely they can’t take the kids. Bit its still in everyone’s best interests to store guns safely.

Wow. You have to be a pretty big asshole for your dog to take up arms.

I don’t feel that way, but many of the gun owners do, so who am I to argue? (Bit tongue in cheek there, TBH) My point is only that they are not just endangering themselves and their children, but their neighbors and their neighbor’s children as well. They are taking a risk for their family when they decide to get a gun, the risk being that it is far more likely to injure or kill a family member than it is to be used to ward off bad guys.

The other people put at risk are not consulted.

Stupid isn’t the problem. I know some pretty smart anti-vaxxer’s. It’s a combination of arrogance and selfishness.

OK, well, kinda still the same problem with gun owners, so, point stands.

How about we stop treating toddlers and old folks shooting people as “accidents”?

It’s not an accident when a toddler fires a gun. It’s negligence.

People who negligently allow their guns to go off should, I don’t know, lose the right to own a fucking gun? If you’re so fucking negligent that a toddler gets your gun and shoots someone then no more firearms for you, my friend. You’re done.

But you gun nuts will never admit toddlers shooting people is a problem. And why is that? Because if it’s a problem then we should find a way to mitigate the problem. That’s gun control, the first step to gun grabbing. We don’t want gun grabbing, so toddlers shooting people cannot be a problem, case closed, end of story, now is not the time to politicize toddlers shooting people. It’s only a few toddlers ending up dead, that’s the price of freedom, right?

The unspoken in this thread is race; if it’s mostly black kids killing black parents that’s their problem. Right? Just the same as the adult version.

From the first cite in the OP:

That’s less than a 50% success rate. These toddlers need more time at the shooting range to hone their skills.

Try to stay downwind!

Agreed, and to be fair, stupid is a large factor as well in many of these “accidents”.

Anywhoo, lots of kids are poisoned. Lots more than toddlers that are shot by or shoot a gun.

Not saying its a problem but there are in fact plenty of ways to prevent kids from getting access to guns. They all leave open the possibility of human error or carelessness.

Defense against tyranny!