Guys, I'm about to go karaoke for the first time. HELP!

All right, Sam, I get your point. You’re off the Kris-Kris-Diss-enemies-list. :wink:

I love this.

Team, I’ve decided on Sunday, Bloody Sunday (available). It’s relatively easy Bono, I have been singing to it for 30 years now, know the words (they are displayed at this place, btw), the guitar solo is like 16 bars long (so pretty short), and, like Bono, I can wear my Stetson.

OK, just kidding on that last. But SBS it will be. I’ll work on that one this week and, maybe, I’ll add another.

But wait, there’s more! I will record this on my phone. I will upload it to Social Media. You will need a Parler login to view. :wink:

Oh, and added bonus: I do not drink. So I get to do this stone cold Steve Austin sober.

Here’s a karaoke version - . It might help to try singing along with it so you can kind of just see what it’s like. It probably isn’t the same karaoke version you’ll have there, but you can give a go at singing as the words turn colors.

You’ll have fun!

Oh shoot. I was yowling along with 4 Non-Blondes on my way home today and thinking What’s Up (aka What’s Going On) would be a perfect song for this. You could screw it up and everyone could be screwing it up right along with you. It’s just fun to holler.

I can’t say I have analysed his whole catalogue but I usually find that I struggle with Billy Joel precisely because his songs very often do have high parts I can’t reach.

SBS isn’t too easy but I guess with practice…

It doesn’t have a simple rhythm or tune throughout.

Then I will recommend Lou Reed, for instance Walk On The Wild Side. I really like him, but when I read on YouTube that he could not hold a tune if it got handles I had to laugh. Because it’s true.

Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) is also pretty easy. Mean Mr. Mustard is easy too, but not karaoke material. No idea why. :yum:

Under the rules and guidelines above, since I’ve been belting this one out for 30+ years I should suck less than I would an easier song which I don’t know.

(This is what I’m telling myself. Let me keep my delusions, k, thx, bai.)

I strongly disagree, I think Lou has a fine voice. I can provide cites if asked.

Walk on the Wild Side - Easy to sing, yes, but you’d have to be comfortable singing about “colored girls” and giving head.

All the Beatles songs I listed have something in common, I’m surprised nobody has picked up on it yet.


^ You’re listening to Wmmm – all Ringo, all the time!

Try doing it like this:

I can disagree with you and you cites at the same time and still like Lou Reed very much, no problem.

OMG! :scream: Well, one of the advantages of old age is that you do not have to mind what other people think.

Is 54 considered…

Know what? I’ll stop now.

Here’s my karaoke story.

Some friends of mine invited me to the karaoke bar. I went, because I wanted to hang out with my friends. I had no intention of actually singing.

These friends were all musically talented and, although it would be pushing it to call them professional musicians, they all have YouTube channels and SoundCloud albums and such.

My musical aptitude is a black hole, I have less than none. I cannot match a note or find a beat. If you have musical talent of your own, my very presence will drive it away.

I never sang. If I was in a situation where I was expected to sing….it didn’t happen much, but sometimes I went to church services with my family…I either mouthed the words or whispered.

So my friends are singing at the bar, and they started trying to get me to try it. I was enjoying being the temporary center of attention at the table, so I started playing it up…oh, I’m way too scared, I could never….convince me, convince me…… so finally I filled out the card, putting down the first song title that came to mind - “Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend”.

Now my friends are doing their songs, technically difficult, nuanced songs…they sounded good but not a lot of people were listening….they seemed to be struggling to be heard over the conversation in bar.

Then my song came up. I just started belting the number, mostly just screaming the lyrics into the mike, accompanied by a lot of pantomime and hand gestures. And suddenly everyone in the bar was listening. And they seemed to love it, a bunch of them joined in. And this karaoke bar had software that sort of cleaned up my wildly off-key screams so they didn’t sound too bad.

Then the song was over and a whole bunch of people I didn’t know came up to me wanting to know what song I was doing next. So I did another one, I think I belted out “I Will Survive”.

This bar had a scoring system, you could download an app and score the performances, and the scores displayed on a video monitor. And I kicked the asses of my friends that were real singers……not that it’s important, it’s not a competition….except maybe a little.

Now karaoke is one of my favorite things, even though I haven’t done it in a while. I find it incredibly therapeutic.

And I don’t fake singing anymore, I do it for real no matter how it sounds.

If you are looking for a song recommendation, start with Karma Chameleon. It’s my favorite karaoke starter that’s not geared to a female singer. Although you could try Wedding Bell Blues, it might be a hoot for a male singer.

Of course. I didn’t mean that my cites would “prove” you wrong. I just think that Lou has some deep cuts that folks likely have not heard that I think are gorgeous, vocals included.

Maybe I should not have referred to them as “cites”. :slight_smile:


Twenty years ago? Yes. Now? No.

OK, I’ll bite, Why is it dangerous to sing “My Way” in the Philippines?

Oh my goodness, I am so glad I warned you. Years ago, some gangster was singing My Way in a karaoke place when he was killed. Then it happened again. Then it became one of those memes, or perhaps a cultural legend.

Anyway, it is better not to risk it.

Wow. Here I was, thinking My Way was one of the few english-language songs available, maybe by factory default? on all Karaoke systems. And it has been this way for a long time, like, early 80’s, right?

At least, that was my experience with Karaoke in Japan. Ugh. I just can’t do Frank Sinatra. Yes, @JohnT, it is terrifying having to do Karaoke the first time. Be glad your choices aren’t between having to sing My Way or attempt one of 999 songs in a foreign language.

I pity the poor Japanese salaryman visiting the Philippines and stepping up to the Karaoke machine…um…lots of Tagalog songs here…Oh! My Way! I can sing this one. Ahem…

– Sounds of shouting and much gunfire -

Nobody can sing along with Sinatra. He is always just a tiny, tiny bit behind the beat.

I remember that episode of CSI where guest star Roger Daltrey donned a convincing latex mask and sang karaoke as a way to get close to one of the people he wanted to murder. With that in mind, I think you should avoid murdering anyone. Whether you want to go with the latex mask is up to you. It really depends on how much trouble you want to go to and whether it would enhance your performance.