GWB is an inarticulate goober .....

I thought that was Ahnold.

Ms. Benning did a full frontal nude scene in The Grifters. My soul has writhed in torment ever since. Dark and corrosive jealousy is quite immune to partisan feeling. To put it mildly, I his guts.

Suggestion to the OP: Try reading your sentences aloud before you post them.

Are you asking if the extreme left is more likely to engage in political mob violence?

If so, my answer would have to be no.

Although I consider misuse of the military* to be the ultimate in political mob violence, there are certainly examples on a smaller scale. (Women’s clinic bombings, fundamentalist protestors who made it necessary to have police to guardTerry Schivo’s room, peace protestors being physically attacked, “neo” racist groups and so on.)

*Google: “War in Iraq” 9/11

At first I read this as “Can you blame him for banging Warren Beatty and Annette Bening?” And I thought, gosh no. Especially not if it was at the same time.

I’m going to barge in here and close this thread, as there isn’t much debate and (goobers aside) it’s not suitable for the Pit and I don’t want it in IMHO.

If the OP would care to take some time and phrase the OP more, urm, coherently with a point for debate innit, I should think starting a new thread would be fine.