Half of ChiefScott's Total, but Still Damn Good

I know I’m close… now I’m counting down.


2… 1…

1000! Whooo hooooooo! Yee haw! Yeepaw yeepaw yeepaw!

Hey, I was just thinking about you the other day! Remember my great quest for big, soft coke gummis? Well, I was walking downtown the other day and I found a huge store that sells nothing but gummis. The good kind that come in tubs, not any of this pre-packaged crap.

So, when are you going to get a new job that let’s you post more?

Nobody cares but me and tatertot, eh?

Well, that’s just fine.

In the immortal words of my short corgi dog, “Suck my fuzzybutt.”

Your dog speaks? Now that’s impressive. It does raise a question though. How is it you can hear him but nobody else? Umm, one more question. Is your butt fuzzy or is it the corgi’s? If it’s your butt, I’d be happy to shave it for you.

Congrats anyway.

Hey OncleBiere! Congrats on the new title and on your very own imitator. How do I get the accent aigu, anyway?

My dog’s butt is fuzzy. She utters that phrase whenever I want to stop her from doing something fun yet destructive.

Wooho! Congrats, Canthearya honey! Now I expect the same from you when I have a post party! :slight_smile:

wooohooo congrats to ya, I’ll be there before long!


Well, I like it, in fact.


(Cristi - if your using a Win machine Alt+0232 renders the è character; go to Start-Programs-Accessories-Character Map and look at the Arial typeface to see special characters.)


To address a woman by another woman’s name. Ekk! My apologies to both the darlings canthearya and cristi.

(Gee, where’d all that accumulated cool go?)


I must confess, I only figured out your name like two weeks ago.

(Hangs head in shame)

I’m still working on it.

Congrats, Canthy! Many happy reposts.

Thanks for the congratulations everyone. I lubs each and every one of your Dopey butts.

Milo are you serious? That’s very sad.
pluto you’re a bonehead.

You guys!?!
What is so difficult about my name?
Can’t hear ya!
As in: I can’t hear you!
As in: I am unable to hear the words issuing from the orifice you call a mouth!

Yeesh and yeepaw. (beatle you are forgiven… Oh wait, I just realized that I asked for the wrong accent. I should have asked for the accent grave. Which you provided… Merci monsieur. :slight_smile: )

I’m as proud as a West Virginian Daddy whose only daughter has married at 25 outside the family!

Best Canthearya reference:

Reg washing dishes in the kithchen: “Mom! Who’s posting on the board?”
Mom, who knows nothing of the board, stares at the monitor: “Satan and C-A-N-T-H-E…”
Reg: “Can’t hear ya?”
Mom: “I said Satan and C-A-N-T-H…”
Reg: “Can’t hear ya!”
Mom, now shouting, “SATAN AND C-A-N…”

Still cracks me up!

That was Drain, I think. High-larious. I’m laughin’ in my cube, Chiefy! Congratulations on 2000 you boat-drivin’ badass!

Wasn’t that a Star Trek episode?

Bumpin’ cuz I needs sum luv.

Hey, I already offered to shave your butt. If you turn over, I’d be happy to shave the other side. Now, is there anything else can I do for you Ms. IHeartUncleBeer?