Hamilton - The Musical

Isn’t Miss Saigon a resetting of Madame Butterfly? i.e. its already been genre bent.

Duly noted that some people dislike Hip Hop per se, and that they find it gimmicky to do theatre in the current chart-pop idiom or as a way to translate the life of some historic figure into current political issues.

The rest of us may continue to enjoy and like and find relevant or at least that it’s got a good beat and is fun to listen.

And my homeboy Miranda is laughing all the way to the bank, of course.

With the “gimmick” of landing a Huey inside the theatre, no less.

M Butterfly definitely was.

Pábitel, are there any musicals that you like?

And gender bent.

Oh, wait – that was M. Butterfly.





There were some wonderful things about it, to be sure. But I found it galling to sit through a remake of La Boheme in which the characters spend 2 hours singing about ignoring commercialism and being true to your art, and then Mimi comes back to life at the end.


Ah, SDMB critique. Sorry, this isn’t necessarily just directed at you but at a lot of people who attempt to be critical on here (and indeed on the whole of the Internet) when what they are being is reactionary and dismissive.

The question you asked is the question you should be trying to answer yourself if you want to offer a valid critique of any kind. You may not like Hamilton or the music, personally I think it’s great Broadway but pretty poor hip hop,thats fine. That doesn’t make it bad art, it just makes it not to your taste. It isn’t the same thing.

Going back to the tradition of Brecht anachronistic historical pieces have been set in order to prompt audiences to draw connections between the past events and the modern day. If you actually saw Hamilton, or even just listened to the cast recording, that is obviously what Miranda is doing here as well. You can argue that you don’t like it, you can argue that he is not successful (but then you would need to bring some actual, you know, evidence to the table. Maybe actually see the show.) but you can’t really argue that what he is doing isn’t potentially bringing anything to the table. It’s an old tradition. The better argument would be that this sort of trope is tired and easy not that it’s meaningless.

And it is tired and it is a bit easy. That’s why Rent is so difficult to sit through, because it was a bit lazy. Beautiful music, lazy storytelling. Hamilton isn’t. He nails it. How do I know? Because I have actually experience with the whole production. You may not like it, but that’s not the same as it being bad. And you really do need to make an attempt to experience a work of art as a whole before your criticism can be taken seriously.

/End lesson on critical analysis that will likely be ignored.

I don’t s’pose you could get a sister tickets? :wink:

Yeah, I hate it when so-called “artists” and “playwrights” do this. Like, putting on a play of an ancient Roman myth in modern times? Hello, Shakespeare, we don’t need your anachronistic gimmicks! A Midsummer Night’s Dream? More like A Midsummer Night’s Cash Grab, amiright?

FWIW, there are just a very very few moments in musical theatre that can get me to tear up… Or would, you know, if I weren’t so tough and manly.

Eponine’s “A Little Fall of Rain.”

Kim’s reprise asking how, in one night, did they come so far.

And Philip’s telling his father he did just what he said and fired into the sky.

For me it’s during Who Lives Who Dies when Eliza comes back.
“I stop wasting time on tears
I live another fifty years
It’s not enough”

I will counter with It’s Quiet Uptown.

Really, the whole second act is an emotional minefield. All the above plus the slow motion trainwreck of the Reynolds affair and its fallout (“Burn”) and then “Best of Wives, Best of Women”…arrrgh!!! I AM HAVING FEELINGS! EMOTIONS! RANDOM SOBBING!!!

:: hands Maggie a handkerchief with the initials “AH” stitched into it ::

Well, I certainly hope you all are proud of yourselves. I have a pile of work to do, including a translation project that is taking me a horrifying amount of time to complete, and what have I done in the past few days? Very little other than play that clip from the Grammys a good 10 times, plus listen to most of the cast album over YouTube, plus play every clip of Hamilton I can find, plus get deeply into the Ham4Ham clips, with special emphasis on the three King Georges lip-synching the Schuyler Sisters song while the actress who plays Angelica lip-synchs Burr’s part (The Schuyler Georges).

The songs are running through my mind pretty nigh constantly. I have been known to break into spontaneous raps in my car – people, I am a short pale middle-aged woman who has no business breaking into spontaneous raps!

I blame you. All of you. And this ache to somehow get ahold of tickets to a show that at the moment only takes place about 5,000 miles from me? Totally your fault.

I just hope you can sleep at night.

For those who can’t get enough of the show and the current presidential race check out Hamiltrump (lyrics NSFW).

Pulitzer Prize for Drama…

Only the 9th Musical to get it (including the likes of South Pacific and A Chorus Line).

I don’t like musicals or rap so other than those 2 things it sounds like I would like it. :slight_smile:

Honestly the musicalness will probably give you more trouble than the hip hop. It’s more hip hop inspired Broadway than it is really hip hop. It is super musically though. But really really good.

Good on them!