Happy Birthday Bear_Nenno!

Happy b-day, Bear. You are officially into your “mid-to-late 20s”. It’s not so bad, once you get used to it.

Hope you have fun on your B-day night out.

But getting in at 11am? Amateur! I’ve been known to stumble in the following afternoon. :smiley:

Here’s hoping you had a wonderful birthday night out. Mine will be tomorrow night, but as I am currently in a state of maternity, I’ll only be consuming Japanese food and Shirley Temples. So have a drink for me, please!
Happy Birthday!

No, not the dog, but I’m not responible for any thrashing or crazy noises coming from the box…

Now where is that stupit cat…

You can drink 24/7 there. They have an upscale nightclub, Floyd’s, that stays open until like 4 or 5am. But the casino itself is like a 40,000 square foot club that never closes. It’s pretty packed until about 8am on a Saturday night/Sunday morning. After that, only their main bar stays open. The young party crowds starts to trickle away and the old retired gambler crowd starts to show up.
Last night was great. I got a little too trashed though. I think I’ll give myself another IV and go back to sleep . . .

I will when he shows his monkey-butt up.
Keep me waiting! :mad:

I’s still waiting. :frowning:

They have a Floyd’s here too, but not so much on the “upscale” part. :wink: