Has the time come for telecommuting?

Mr. Athena has telecommunuted 100% for ~7 years now. He’s a programmer, his client is several states away, and he hasn’t met in person most of the people he works with on a daily basis.

I’ve telecommuted on and off through my career - I’m also a programmer - and my current job allows me to work at home. I much prefer working at home. I really have no discipline issues here, it’s at the office that I have a hard time working. I’m always uncomfortable and wanting to go home at around 3pm, whereas at home I’m happy in front of the computer for 8+ hours a day.

It’s sometimes a bit more difficult to discuss things with coworkers via phone, email or IM, but for me it’s that way no matter where I work as most of my coworkers are several states away. In past situations where there were people at the office, I think the good and bad even out; even though it’s easier for group discussions, it’s worse because there’s always more socializing and general non-worky things going on during the day than at home, where I am alone. So sure, that pesky problem might be easily worked out on the white board, but then chatty Joe comes by and bugs me for an hour later in the day.

I think employers who don’t like telecommuting aren’t being honest with themselves as to how much work really gets done in the office. With the advent of the Internet, people can goof off at work as much as at home, plus you have people to play with at work. Time spent in the break room or in someone’s office is no different than time spent throwing in a load of laundry or sneaking in a few minute of TV at home - they both come down to “not working” time.

For me, I’m so much happier at home, in my pajamas with my dog on my lap, that I get a TON more done than when I’m in the office struggling to motivate myself.