Hate speech laws cover up the truth

Of course, the Swedish commission that examined those numbers pointed out that Sweden has the most liberal definition of “rape,” (and other personal assault crimes), in the world. Before one joins your linked article in leaping to the conclusion that the addition of Muslims to Sweden has led to a staggering rise in rapes, one should first find out when the Swedes instituted their current definition of rape and then make sure that the rise is not due to new definitions rather than more events. Your link’s chart shows the spike beginning after 2000. Where are the numbers that show that the Middle Eastern or Muslim immigrant population rose at the same rate in the same years as the rise in rapes?
This appears to be an example of the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy.

(And while the article tries to dismiss one aspect of the discussion:

They are quite possibly engaged in swapping goalposts. I suspect that, given the close cultural ties, this article examining Norway’s reporting of rape in the home would have a strong bearing on how it is reported in Sweden, as well.

There very well may be an issue regarding rapes and immigrants. However, the clearly sensationalist report to which you have linked, with its cherry-picked numbers and its clever failure to support several of its assertions if they seem too far out, does not appear to actually support your thesis in this thread.