Have we seen the last of Scott Walker and/or Marco Rubio?

Trump will lose and if he runs again in 2020 and get laughed out immediately (i.e. the outragaholics will have gotten him out of their system), then maybe Walkerubio will have a chance.

If either one of them accepts being Trump’s running mate, then their career is definitely over.

Both of their Specters will be seen on nights with a Full Moon, haunting the Dark Tarn, and trying to lure children into the alkaline bogs, to die.

That, or Game Show Hosts.
6 of one, half dozen of the other.

I doubt everyone will be pushed out by half-assed senator and failed presidential candidate Marco Rubio.

I’ve seen the other possible candidates. If Rubio runs, he’ll win pretty easily.

Yeah, I can’t see anyone with even half a brain accepting that post, but then somebody has to do it. Someone whose ambition far overpowers his decision-making ability, probably.

But it is very quite both a long enough and a short enough time for him still to be reviled, as Rubio rightfully will be, even among the Miami-Cubans, when they stop to think about things. (The Tampa-Cubans never took him seriously in the first place, but their culture here is decades older and was in political terms historically defined by being anti-Spain, not anti-Castro.)

yea, just like one Franklin Roosevelt’s career was over because he was on James Cox’s landslide loss ticket.

Either Walker or Rubio could use that national exposure. Even if Trump loses, seeing as there will always be two major parties, and they tend to bounce back (eventually) after losing, either could just say they answered the call of their party.

Lloyd Bentsen’s future wasn’t exactly hurt by being on Dukakis’ ticket. He was later appointed treasury sec. Rubio or Walker could also go that route. Surely they’re young enough.

And Paul Ryan, that guy’s obviously done, we’ll never hear about him again after that humiliating defeat in 2012.

Paul Ryan is actually intelligent. The jury is still out on Rubio and Walker in that regard, more so for Rubio, in my opinion. I certainly would not want Rubio anywhere near my checkbook.

ETA: and that defeat was all Romney.

But being young, they will get the chance to seek other offices. Wisconsin has no real contenders on the GOP side for the Senate, so Walker will be under pressure to run against Tammy Baldwin. The party is pretty happy with its governors’ choices in Florida, but I’d expect they’d be fine with Rubio entering the race.

Nah. I think Floridian’s are pretty much done with Do Nothing Rubio. All he and Jindal have ever done is use their current office to run for the next one. That gets old after a while.

I think they’re both finished and have nothing to look forward to but sitting on the porch of The Old Republicans’ Home and drinking lemonade and yelling at kids to get off their lawn.

Rubio in particular is finished, he only ran for the Senate to get the recognition to run for president, Florida voters have had their fill of him.

Walker could possibly make a Senate run but I don’t think he would win. He thinks he should be president, which makes him a very unique individual indeed.

So was Milton Friedman, but he was still almost always wrong.

You can lose a presidential campaign and come back for another try - but you have to lose with some significant numbers. McCain came back after his 2000 loss; Romney and Clinton came back after their 2008 losses.

But if you run for President and just flop, you can’t come back and try again. Because if you flop, you’ve demonstrated that your political career is not the foundation of a presidential campaign. And if it didn’t produce results the first time, it won’t the second time either.

So I agree with others who say that the only way Walker or Rubio can make another presidential run is by essentially starting over from the ground up. And you can add Jindal to the list.

The point is that while Ryan lost, his defeat wasn’t humiliating. He’s still a contender.

I think Chronos is making a different point. The Republican party isn’t happy with Trump as a candidate and if he loses, they’re going to blame Trump and anyone who was too close to Trump for the defeat. So anyone who runs with Trump as his VP candidate will be burning their bridges with the Republican party.

They’ve all seen how he’s treating Christie. Who’d want any of that?

Walker thinks God wants him to be President, so I expect he’ll try again (but I don’t think it will go any better the second time).

I’ll say one thing for Walker: he’s evidently got the “looks good on paper” thing down cold. The guy’s campaign was an unmitigated trainwreck and he was polling at zero before dropping out, and yet people are still talking about him as a plausible future POTUS candidate.

In fact, God actually told him so. (But He was laughing behind His hand at the time. A cruel, sick sense of humor, He has.)