Have You Ever Boycotted Products/Stores You Really LIKED?

I assure you I have no concern just merely curiosity at the inconsistency. You can roll the eyes back now.

I love the taste, structure and ease of eating meat. But I can’t get over the industrial farming thing. So I only eat the organic meat my supermarket offers, and that is a very small range of meats that do, at best, taste just as good as the much wider variety of torture meat the store offers.

Meh. When it comes to cosmetics, I have a wide variety of places I can buy them - MAC, for instance, has online sales, stand-alone stores, and counters at higher-end department stores - and if I buy from one source then technically speaking I’m “hurting” someone else by not buying from them!

(Plus, frankly, if I’m buying from one company then I’m naturally depriving other companies of my cash, and the sales staff can’t tell the difference between me actively boycotting their products versus just not buying them.)

My dollar (and an ignored letter to corporate) is the only vote I get in the matter, since I’m no paint-throwing/animal-releasing anarchist. I’ve happily resumed purchasing from companies when their policies match what I can believe in, and I’ve also notified them of my approval via a fan letter when that’s happened.

Thank you! I think? . . . Wait . . . is this becuase you think they should put a small English translation beside the sign? Or because you support us ignorant Irish-Americans not clogging up the aisles of your favorite bakery and poking at the sweet buns? :wink: LOL!

Oh Lord, I forgot about that. Add another 50 or so to my list. And all those products that include HPE*? No. Nor anything else your company makes, just in case.

And any metallic cosmetics, because EW! Fish scales? Not on my eyelids!!

*Human Placental Extract. Yes, they do. No, really, more than you’d think. Look, I don’t have all day to blather on about it. You could look it up.

I’ve been boycotting gasoline for at least 5 years now (I finally sold off my last gasoline vehicle back then). I won’t buy a gas powered anything unless there is NO diesel option. So, right now the only gas powered things I own are a chain saw and a lawn mower (and I do the majority of mowing with my diesel tractor instead). I buy all my diesel at a local fuel station that only sells diesel and when I go to a gas station, I never buy anything but the gasoline needed (so no snacks, etc).

My next car will be a Volkswagon TDI Diesel w/biodiesel kit ( http://web.vw.com/tdi-clean-diesel/index.php )

I hate gasoline and I’m certainly not going to use the ethanol (blended in most gasoline now) that is driving up feed and food prices.


I also will not by any carbon-monoxide treated meats EVER because I know how the holder of that patent treats his horses (basically, he churns healthy horses through a crap trainer, then dumps the debilitated horses into kill sales). It has become so hard to find non carbon-monoxide treated meats around here, that I finally gave up and found a local butcher and make the long trip there every other week. ( http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/02/19/AR2006021901101.html )

I could waste time explaining why I think one place is more deserving of losing my business than the next while you try to dissect it for “inconsistencies” but, at the end of the day, we all pick our own battles. You shouldn’t worry about it so much.

They finally put one close to me and I’d love to go there because they carry a lot of stuff that I like. But, meh… I don’t like their owner’s actions… so I just go without those really cool things until I can convince the local shop to buy some in. Fortunately, the owner is a nice guy and usually is willing to try stocking something new about 4-5 times a year on my behalf. So, I may be indirectly improving the nutrition of the local community :slight_smile:

I’m boycotting Gloria Jean’s Coffee because of a similar situation to Chick-Fil-A. Not only have they donated to religious groups who lobby against gay marriage, they have blatantly lied about it - so they are bigots who don’t even have the courage of their convictions. I’ll miss Gloria Jean’s because there isn’t a better coffee chain locally, but I think I’ll find the strength to carry on.

So why would you boycott a restaurant who’s name is a contraction of the two founder’s names? Color me confused.

If possible, I guess. Makes me uncomfortable being around people who think that way. I’d rather be comfortable than uncomfortable.

Yes I’m losing sleep over it.

I’ve decided to prioritize my boycotting to companies that make a point of being anti-gay or anti-choice (not every company that gives money to an anti-gay or anti-choice organization, since that would include RNC donors). Also racism, but that doesn’t come up that much nowadays, it’s not as socially acceptable here.

I also try to preferentially patronize local stores, though Barnes & Noble is technically local and I don’t get too worked up about a Starbucks in Midtown Manhattan.

As a flack, I do find it a little irritating that people are saying “I’m going to stop going to Chick-Fil-A, they make lousy food anyway.” Surely it ends a stronger message to say “I like the food, but I don’t like the company, therefore…”

Heh, I guess, but they actually do make lousy food. I guess it would be a stronger moral position if a decent fastfood place was run by a homophobe, but whatcha gonna do?

But as to the OP, I’m not against boycotts in principal, but for whatever reason a place that I normally shop at has never been the subject of one that I thought 1) had a chance of working and b) was about an issue I felt strongly enough about to change where I shopped.

I was up to season 6 in completing my Seinfeld DVD collection, when Michael Richards went on his crazy racist rant. I still love the show and still think that Kramer is hilarious, but I just didn’t feel like buying the remaining seasons.

Rightly or wrongly, I have boycotted Nestle’ s products over their practices involving promoting formula over human milk in developing countries, despite the fact they make delicious chocolate. I fed my babies from my body and am happy I was able to do so.

I spent years and years not eating grapes, and I love grapes.

I also spent a couple of years not buying Nikes–I forget why–but this all went down the tubes when I had a two-year-old who was ready to have a meltdown because he didn’t want any other shoes. Carry screaming shoeless kid to car and keep him barefoot, or capitulate? Well, I capitulated.

I boycotted Nestles for a few years, too.

I didn’t think much of Chick-Fil-A’s food and I hate their stupid ad campaign.

(Just as a side note, I don’t think I’ve ever bought anything because of the ads, but I have stopped buying things because of the ads.)

My wife and I were regulars there. Loved their chicken sandwiches and waffle fries, which are the way fries should be.

So be surprised.

Maybe your own link could deconfuse you: