Have you ever killed another human

Yeah sorry mate your right ,I.ll get myself fitted for some glasses. :slight_smile:

You voted for Tony Blair?

No probs mate, us British know when our eyes are somewhat blurred from an eveings consumption of the holy falling down water plus the obligatory ruby avec pilau rice and doms, not forgetting the naans and chapatis :smiley:

In Novemberish 1969. We were on a hill overlooking some rice paddies and saw a bunch walking along the paddie dikes. They were quite a distance away, much too far, given how high up we were, for any accurate shots. I had an M-60 machine gun and started shooting. I’d look for the splashes in the paddies and adjust my aim as they tried to run across the dikes toward a tree line. Just as they entered the trees one of them went down. Don’t know if he died or not but he laid there until we left a couple of hours later.

Sure shot a lot more that year but don’t know if I hit anything.

You just don’t lead them as much. Thank you for your service.

This is why I get so mad at these (I’m guessing) illegal immigrants bicycling the wrong way down the street. I start to turn right, and then one goes by my bumper.

I could have killed you!!! Then where would both of us be!

Ride on the RIGHT side of the road!!

I once saw a boy come about 1 second from being killed, because he appeared out of nowhere on the wrong side. The car ahead of me burned rubber and fishtailed, and he acted like very little had happened. I did a double U-turn to yell at him to ride on the right side.

Oh, and a kid in my class at HS actually was knocked down on his bike because he was on the left side of the road, where no one expected him to be. I didn’t see the crash, but I think he hit the car, which was the low-impact version to have. He was only shaken up, and didn’t go to the hospital.

But he should have been on the right side of the road.

What were the circumstances? Was the potential shootee a robber or looter?

I’m glad that I have no personal experience in this. I work on the railroad and have listened to first hand stories of what it’s like to take another life. They usually refer to it as “killing” someone as if they feel personally responsible. I don’t see it that way but it makes me respect their humanity, especially since they usually don’t reveal this stuff unless you really get to know them. That alone reminds me not to judge people so quickly on just what I see.

Most of the stories I’ve heard were suicides but some were just accidents. It’s also amazing to me how many people there are that I know who have been involved in such a situation.