Have you experienced the Mandela Effect?

I have a distinct memory of the girl in Jaws wearing braces and refuse to accept that she didn’t. Glitch in the Matrix. Bet now you’re going to tell me that didn’t exist either.

In the Haddaway song “What Is Love” are the lyrics “What is love?
Baby, don’t hurt me” or “What is love? Lady, don’t hurt me”?

Rodney King did not say “Cain’t we all jest get alonnnnnng?” in a Stepin Fetchit voice. Some comedian must be the source of that. And check the comments under the video – someone specifically mentions the Mandela Effect.

I always hear it in Chris Rock’s voice

It’s actually ‘Vladislav! Drakey, don’t hurt me!’, an oblique reference to the 15th century Romanian count known as the son of the dragon—draculea—who had a habit of impaling his enemies.

I remember him being arrested in Illinois

The video is pretty much how I remember it.

Canadian Bacon, however, did the same scene in 1995 and did do the “Can’t we all just get along” version of it.

Shows how quickly people kind of twisted it.

Does Santa have two reindeer named Donner and Blitzen? Nope. It’s Dunder and Blixem, Dutch for “thunder and lightning.”

How is that a false memory?

I wonder how the people for who’s Justice Mandela worked his entire life to make real feel about the fact that the phenomenon named after him refers to how people miss remember the name of a family of cartoon bears.

Yes. I have a book on my shelf that is called The Night Before Christmas, and it says Donner and Blitzen. I’m not even going to check because nobody is saying that my book doesn’t say Donner and Blitzen, just that it may be something that was written wrongly before my great-grandparents were born.

How about Ricardo Montalban advertising the Chrysler Cordoba’s “rich Corinthian leather”? Nope, he said “soft Corinthian leather”.

I sincerely hope that isn’t considered his entire legacy, years down the line.

If I ever met someone who thought Mandela had died in prison in the Eighties, I would be pretty ticked off. In their reality, do they have that marvellous Special a.k.a song ‘Free Nelson Mandela’, followed by “whoops! Too late.”?

It is SALLY FIELD! And Looney Toons like cartoons! Mirror Mirror on the wall! Donner and Blixen…no doubt. Etc.

I also think my own life was turned upside down and took a drastically different course somewhere between 2009 and 2011. Could it be the CERN particle accelerator? I think its the only explanation.

"Earlier today, I was about to compare someone who was game for anything with Mikey from the Life cereal commercials. As I remembered it in my head, “he’ll eat anything”.

Then I thought, “That can’t be right. Why would Mikey’s brothers have been so incredulous that he liked Life cereal if the kid was a human garbage dump?” But I could have sworn that was the line.

So I looked it up online and, sure enough, it’s “He hates everything” – the diametric opposite of how I remembered it. But, funny thing is, if you Google the line “he’ll eat anything”, it’s all about people remembering Mikey from the Life cereal commercials. Either people (mis)quoting the line or a few columns where someone realizes that they remembered the line wrong. A zillion people all thinking that Mikey was the kid who “he’ll eat anything”.

Wow…It was NEVER “Mikey…he’ll eat anything”
“He likes it! Mikey likes it!”
The point was that he wouldn’t eat anything but he likes Life cereal. And its supposed to be healthier but even “Mikey likes it”
I have an incredible memory…mine are based on reality pretty consistently. I dont think I have “false memories” and not too many faulty ones for that matter. No…something is afoot. Im sure of it.

The other day I finally got around to rereading Anderson’s Fairy Tales and I just finished The Little Mermaid The story ends with her being transformed into an air spirit. Eventually if she does enough good deeds she’ll become a real human. The thing is in the version I remember reading the story ends with her being transformed into sea foam. Anybody else remember this? Or am I just not remembering accurately?

That’s because they wouldn’t give it to Mikey if he hated everything because he wouldn’t even taste it. In reality, when you make your little brother eat something it’s because you think he will eat anything. That’s what a lot of these things are, people remembering the meme that makes the most sense in some cultural context, not a dim memory of some detail that was never important in the first place.

It just happened to me.
As a child I loved “Horton Hatches An Egg” and read it many times. Imagine my surprise when I saw an old copy of it in an elementary school library today and the title read “Horton Hatches The Egg”.
THE Egg?? Since when?

I have one of those lodged pretty squarely in my cranium, too.

A wonderful memory of sneaking into a house under construction with my friends. It took a whole summer to build, so we had months of playing “Rag-Tag Company of Soldiers Trapped Behind Enemy Lines and Sniping at Nazis from a Bombed-Out Castle.”

Finally, forty years later, I happened to be in town, and walked through my old neighborhood. I saw an older guy outside the house, so I kind of apologized for making their house a bombed out castle/playground.

The man said that their house had been built quickly. And in the fall, the workers hurrying to get it done in the early snows. Then he mentioned when the house was built… a couple of years after we’d moved out of that neighborhood.

Is it true that “many people have a false memory about his death in the 1980’s”, or are you experiencing a false memory? :slight_smile: Maybe you should not call it that. False memories are in every Psychology 101 textbook all the way back to Sigmund Freud, though (and I don’t remember Nelson Mandela being mentioned in any of those books; of course he was still alive back then).