Hello. Sorry, {Looking for help finding old threads from before the board software change}

But I can’t see how to access old threads (10-20 years) that I loved and now miss, or posted in and am sometimes foolishly proud of what I wrote, back when I thought myself clever. I can type my username into the search function and get only the most recent half-dozen post/threads. If I just have to say goodbye to these old conversations, I’ll be sad, but if I’m just too stupid to retrieve the old stories, and someone can help, then I will be stupid and grateful, which is better than just stupid.

Your profile says your join date was Jun 29, 2020. Did you post under a different username back then?

You can search for old threads by putting “@TheKingOfSoup before:2005-01-01” in the search box. But that shows nothing because your username is newer than that.

I got a few results using this Google search:

ETA: With spaces gives some other results using Google:

This is weird. I always thought my user name was The King of Soup (with the spaces), but that doesn’t seem to work either. Is there a way to check up on that?

Our new home does not like spaces in usernames and replaced them with underscores. Try @The_King_of_Soup.

Thank you, Skywatcher, I either forgot or more likely never learned about the underscores, which is now why I an TheKingOfSoup instead of what I thought I was. Would still like to get back to normal but am nonetheless very grateful to see that everything I said twenty years ago isn’t necessarily gone.

And thank you too, Whack-a-mole, you opened up a lot of helpful stuff too.

You’re welcome.

@engineer_comp_geek might be able to help with that.

I put
thekingofsoup site:boards.straightdope.com
into Google.
Got this:


Yes, looking at @The_King_of_Soup 's activity page, I see tons of threads going back quite a ways: