Help me create a company dress code

Well, then don’t have a “code” thus no “loopholes”. Just a general request.

Ties are silly.

Note this is also a Publishing company, not a bank or a CPA co… Different expectations.


When my brother first starting working in tech support for a local ISP he would joke about showing up for work naked. His one fear was that he’d go into the office and hear one of his hygiene-challenged coworkers yell “Cool! bugbro heard about Naked Day!”


Whatever you decide, do think about men wearing kilts. :smiley:

Those were the days I invariably ended up getting the hems ripped out of my skirts by my shoes.

I once had a job where they supplied the uniforms. I have really long legs so the skirt they issued me was too short, per the dress code. Rather than pony up the cash to provide me with a longer skirt, they let it slide. For the record, I would never wear a skirt to work that did extend past my hand. That length would be about 8 inches above my knee. I would not wear a tank top, sleeveless top or too low cut shirt. Nor would I wear anything that is excessively tight. Then again, I’m a bit of a prude when it comes to work and am from an era where pantyhose were required and the only wimmen that didn’t wear them were of “bad stock.”

Oh, throw something in there about not exposing the belly. I don’t want to see a strip of flabby flesh muffin-topping its way out of your too tight pants.
BTW, it was supposed to read “I would not wear a skirt that did NOT extend past my hand.”

And no low pants. I’ve lived through a lot of outrageous fashions, and wearing the waist of your pants around your knees is the absolute worse.

T-shirt slogans must be original and funny. For example, “I’m with stupid” shirts with the arrow pointing to the right or left - not funny any more. “I’m with stupid” T-shirt with arrow pointing down into pants - now that’s comedy.