Help me recast "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"...with Muppets!

Swap Piggy and Denise, then.

Although, remember, she only is strait-laced until her laces are … un-straitened.

I’d be tempted to cast him as Riff Raff, while giving the role of Frank to The Count.

And it feels like Sam The Eagle should be in the mix.

That could also work for Gonzo - then Camilla as Magenta?

I think of The Count as strictly Sesame Street, not Muppet movie cast.

Dr Scott?


Tom Smith wrote the Rocky Horror Muppet Show back in 1987, fans have performed it at cons over the years. He had Sam the Eagle as the Criminologist.

Ooh, yes, that works.

Katy Perry.

Rocky should be Grade A corn-fed beef, all-American male, dim and humorless.

I nominate Sam the Eagle.

This is the greatest idea I’ve ever heard. And this was the look on my face when I opened the thread:

“Now why didn’t anybody think of that before? It’s so stupid it’s positively brilliant!”

But it turns out someone did! I have to see this…

She’s more an Elmo kind of girl…

Uncle Deadly HAS to be in this production!!

He’s more of a Vincent Price character but I could plug him in as Riff Raff.

I vote for Sam playing Dr. Scott, with the “triple transvestite” reveal during the floor show. There’s something about that that’s fitting for America.

I’m trying to remember. The deep deep dark early days of the interwebs (we’re talking 1990s here). I’m vaguely remembering someone having a full script for The Rocky Horror Muppet Show. I’m digging, but not having exact success. I did find (related to the link above) a partial script, but it’s not the one I was thinking of.

Obviously Carol Kane.

Did not find what I was looking for, but I did find (submitted for your approval),

The Rocky and Bullwinkle Horror Picture Show complete script.