Help me validate another "Facts" mass emailing.

Ok, well since I have a headache right now, I am going to try the Gatorade angle. I have to go to the store to get some though, so I will be back in 20 mins or so.

Over the past 45 mins or so, I have consumed about 24 ounces of lemon lime gatorade, while watching will & grace, and typing on my computer. My headache persists. So, either the remedy does not work, or my headache is so strong that gatorade is not going to relieve it.

So, tylenol to the rescue.

There are a lot of these rumors floating around. I heard one that suggested that spam (the can of meat in the supermarket) is good for cleaning your wooden furniture. I am certain that the people who make spam invented the rumor. I think the gatorade people made up the ops rumor.

Ok, later people

Ficer it says that Gatorade will cure some headaches, not all headaches. Tylenol won’t cure all headaches either. It depends what caused it. But if youhave aheadache caused by dehydration there’s no doubt that drinking gatorade will cure it. It can’t not do so.

“To cure a stubborn ingrown toenail, drink two 12 oz. bottles of Listerine…a powerful antiseptic. Try it. It really works!”

Come on, folks, help us out here.

Come on, folks. A good virus needs a defense mechanism.

“Skeptical about glurge? Curtail that debunking urge by eating two tablespoons of Red Devil Lye. Try it, it works!”

Disclaimer: do not eat Red Devil Lye.

Hungry? Don’t go and fill up with any of that store-bought food full of strange chemicals. Eat paper. It removes that empty feeling almost immediately and you feel safer knowing there’s nothing but all-natural wood pulp in it!

They’ve known for years that paper’ll fill you up but it’s never advertised! It’s cheaper too!

Well OK, but you still have to consider the source(s) of these facts. It is not unreasonable to suspect that some marketing type spread these these around with another motive in mind.

“Mildly constipated? Drink a pint of mercury, and it’ll clear you right out!”

“Got a case of the runs? Try a slug of opiate! It’ll stop you up quick!”

Altoids Peppermints to unstuff your nose? I thought oral sex was a part of that folkloric cure. :wink:

Horseradish and olive oil as a massage oil for tired muscles? Well, sure, a massage will help your tired muscles, with or without the horseradish.

The horseradish is on the wrong line. Inhaling the vapors from a jar of horseradish a few times a day is better for a stuffy nose than Altoids.

Preparation H to tighten wrinkles? That’s an old one. Keep in mind, they changed the formula at least a decade ago, and it may no longer have that effect. Prep H was also touted as a fish attractor for artificial baits. It once contained shark liver oil, but it doesn’t now.

Yeah but just think how much harm it’s doing to the bugs :slight_smile:

Keep a half dozen gallon milk jugs full of Cheez Whiz in the back seat of your car for a week or so and I seriously doubt that any self-respecting bird (or anything else) will come close enough to shit on it.

You may have to shovel a path through the gagged maggots before you go anywhere, though.


This one is true, but only in the fairly uncommon situation where the headache is caused by extreme dehydration. Otherwise, it’s not going to make any difference.


Preparation H for baggy eyes? Tried it. Maybe it works for some, but it it didn’t have any effect other than a greasy consistency and a good degree of embarassment at the check-out.

A stuffed nose does not need inhalers. However, an asthmatic sure as hell won’t benefit from Altoids.

Toenail fungus needs to be treated with ORAL antifungals. Listerine, topical antifungals etc will have absolutely no effect.

Honey and vinegar may soothe a sore throat…it certainly won’t hurt you, and since most sore throats are caused by viruses, it’s not going to harm you. Hot salt water or honey and lemon ould work as well.

Alka seltzer with make the urine alkaline, and thus relieve the burning discomfort of a UTI, BUT, it will not clear the bacteria from the urinary tract. If you have fever, vomiting, back or stomach pains, see any blood in the urine or your symptoms persist for more than 48 hours, you need antibiotics ASAP.

How about a two-fer:

“Feeling down-in-the-dumps? Drop two Bayer Aspirin™ into a glass of Coca-Cola™ and wait until they dissolve. Drink the whole glass, and feel your spirits lift toot-sweet!”

Avon’s Skin-So-Soft IS known to repell insects and bees. We used to hit that bottle pretty hard at Girl Scout camp.

Okay, made up tips…hmmmm…

For menstrual cramps, take 1 cup of Heinz Ketchup, microwave for thirty seconds, then rub over abdomen.

Strawberry Kool-Aid is good for plants-use it instead of water next time!

True, but it does a lousy job.

Itchy scrotum and anus? Try taking a bath - and rub-a-dub-dub with lots of Ivory soap and hot water! It’ll have you singing “My Crotch Doesn’t Itch Anymore” in no time.

ie if it is where you are going to be able to just grab it with tweezers and not have to muck about with glue.

That’s one type. The BS assertion type. Then there’s the stating the obvious type:

“When you are thirsty, forget those expensive store bought drinks, a drink of plain old tap water will save you from dehydration! Try it, it really works.”

Then there’s the “adding an irrelevancy” type.

“Muscles tight and sore? Put a drop of Pennzoil Extra High Grade Racing Motor Oil in some fragrant massage oil and have someone massage your muscles for half an hour. Try it, it really works!”

Then there’s the standard post hoc ergo propter hoc:

“Got a head cold? Drink some beer. In less than a fortnight, you’ll feel much better!”