Help my 75 year old dad get hooked on Stephen King

Forty posts and no explanation why we are supposed to dislike Christine?

Thank you. I’m glad that Penfeather and I aren’t the only ones. It did well enough that a movie was made. Granted, the movie sucked, but that doesn’t necessarily reflect on the book.

I like Christine.

That’s nice.

But you’re not the OP. I quote:

“I told him to put it down immediately before it ruined him for any other Stephen King books”

Now I suppose that could mean that Christine is immensely better than every other SK book, and reading it first will make every other book seem like crap, and make the OP’s father wonder why everyone thinks SK is so well regarded.*

But I don’t think so. The implication is the OP thinks Christine is immensely worse than every other SK book. We’d like to know why.

  • I don’t want to threadshit, but that’s how I feel. I think most of his stuff is junk. Oh, I liked Christine OK, except for the absolute ending (that Christine can’t be destroyed, ever), but that’s just an opinion. I liked Thinner. And that’s about it. I tried. Maybe true SK fans like everything but hate Christine, and I’m the opposite, so I’m not of the body. What do I know? I liked Zima, too.

Nah, not Dolores Claiborne. That was my first King. I read it in 1994 and found it so bland that I couldn’t be bothered to read another King for 20 years, until reading 11/22/63 just a few months ago and which I found so fascinating I moved on to and just finished this morning Salem’s Lot.