Help translating a phrase into French

Okay, that makes sense. I was just curious, not trying to be smart.

No doubt your French is better than mine, so I’ll leave this to the native speakers.

I used to watch the Algerian three-card monte artists in Paris, enough to annoy them. One of them, chancing on me in a bar, wasn’t friendly when he said something like
Pourquoi tu m’as jeté un coup d’oeil?

The connotation is different than “stare.” If he was annoyed enough to mention I’d jeté un coup d’oeil it’s probably just as well that I hadn’t regardé fixement.

Eh, I’m not a French speaker. I was shooting for some “Taxi Driver” humor and got that from Google Translate.

Je n’aime pas être dévisagé or Je n’aime pas qu’on me dévisage are the only correct translations.

Je n’aime pas qu’on me regarde fixement sounds awkward and seems to be an attempt to translate “stared at”.

(francophone here)

I’m wondering if “dévisagé” is a common word in Quebec/Montreal French, though, because I haven’t heard it before.

Yes. Absolutely. It means to stare at someone else’s face.

Hence the links. :wink: