Help us make anti-ignorance tracts

Bizarrely enough, I never saw them during my childhood in the small-town South. When I went to grad school in upstate New York, I started seeing them, and I find a few out here in California. I don’t remember if I saw any in RI.

In any event, it’s not a question of Chick per se. Plenty of fundamentalists think Catholics are pagans, for example. Or take Chick’s 9-11 comic. How many FC’s do you think agree with the idea that a Muslim would never rush a dying “infidel” to the hospital?

For the direct anti-Chick tract:

The cover has the title “THANKS, JACK!” with a sneering demon winking at the camera.

Chick dies in some ludicrous fashion (stepping on a rake, falling piano, etc.) and finds himself a floating soul. He meets Jesus, and says hey, I did a great job, didn’t I?

Jesus: “Oh, you did a great job. But I’m not Jesus- AND THIS AIN’T HEAVEN! HAW HAW!” (Pulls off Jesus face Mission:Impossible style to reveal a demon.)

Chick: “Ulp! But but but- I had faith!” (Sidebar with verse about “faith without works is dead.”)

Demon: “Yeah, but you lied over and over again!”

Chick: “But I did it for Jesus!” (Sidebar about Jesus saying "I never knew you.)

Demon: “You did a great job turning people away from Jesus, Jack!” (followed by several panels of Chick’s lies. BTW, here and there in the background should be some demons sitting around, pitchforks tucked under their arms, chuckling as they read tiny comic books.)

Last frame:

Demon: “Thanks, Jack! I think we’ll be seeing a lot of each other for a long time!” (Zoom out to panorama of hell with Chick a tiny figure in the center.)

Excellent! Did you hold to your earlier promise in the Pit Thread, and order the ones which you know make Christianity look ludicrous?

Get an eyeful of this, H4E:

I like it!. Add a few more frames of his deceit…and, how about this…change the dead person from Jack, to a person who hands out his tracts. Show them that according to their own beliefs, the lies they spread will get them into hell. That way, if someone hands you one, you can hand one back!

I think Jack Chick * does * matter. No matter how you look at, Chick spreads a lot of misinformation, and it’s worth our while to try to counter his sub-moronic views of theology, history and science. What’s more, I think Chick has shown that a cartoon tract with a simply story and a simple message can be a very effective propaganda tool. Just 'cuz he’s a loony doesn’t mean we shouldn’t steal good ideas from him.

Oh wow, another irreverent site that glorifies what God calls an abomination.

Oh, and I’ll bet satan is 100% behind that little idiotic spoof.

After reading that spoof, I sure wouldn’t let Satan behind me!

I’m in Va and I have a friend in NY. Both of us have seen tracts near our homes. I see them, on average, about once a month.

As much as I’m loathe to say it, Chick does matter because people do take him seriously. A friend of mine (the one in New York) believed that Mason’s were a Satanic Cult-he tried to convince me by…get this…handing me a “Chick” tract. I laughed at the garbage, until I saw he was serious. It took a while to get through his thick skull, but I finally did and he’s finally come around to seeing that Chick hides his own fear, bigotry, homophobia, etc. inside those tracts.
We look back now and laugh, but before he realized what an A-Hole Chick was, he bought his story hook, line and sinker.

His4ever -No, no, Satan isn’t behind it, he inspired it:D .

How do you know what God says about anything, H4E? Didn’t you read the panel in the “Dead to Rights” tract where God says “[the Bible] is purely of Man”?

There is only one truly necessary Chick Tract spoof. :smiley:

(Material linked to by the page linked above may not at all be safe for viewing at work.)

Dead to Rights! That’s the one I was talking about!

His4ever, Chick is a hateful anti-Catholic bigot, and I highly resent your implications.

Gris gris, is there any tract in particular you’d be interested in illustrating?

Good news! We have permission from Robby Berry to make a tract out of “Life in Our Anti-Christian America.”

If you guys don’t mind, I’ll try illustrating this myself. It’s a non-narrative tract, so I actually have some hope of being able to illustrate it with clip art.

Any suggestions on which 18 items should be in the tract?

(Bear in mind that the first 16 are Berry’s. For the rest, we’ll have to get permission from the other authors.)

Actually, it was me.

I never thought I would agree with you, but contempt, ridicule, and making fun of others is always unwarranted. This whole thread has been that way. While you know from experience I don’t agree with Chick or your views of the Bible, I do respect your right to hold them.

People should learn to respect others, there is a distinct lack of emotional maturity in those who need to belittle people in order to make themselves seem more important. If they feel others are wrong then they should show evidence where and why they feel that they are wrong and “preach” their own message in a positive way. Each person has a right to believe what they want to believe.

Now, if the belittlers believe that the other person’s views are harmful to others and should be stopped for that reason. Then they need to go to the police and report them. Let the judicial system take care of those who hurt others. This is the way it is done in this country.

We have a lot of freedom here, and we should try to protect it from those who would take it away from us. Either external or internal tyrants, dictators, and just those who think they know more than anyone else. That it should be their way or no way.


Plenty of good anti-Chick tracts have been done already:!

This is probably the worst group of hate tracts I have ever seen. They are an insult to everyone holding the Christian faith, and everyone who believes in freedom of religion.

I would pray that Congress would pass laws against such obvious hate groups and put them out of business once and for all.


Lekatt, do you feel that the tract ideas I presented promote hatred?